Saturday, June 29, 2013

Big Brother After Dark 6/27 summary

6/27 After Dark update

Houseguests talking about the spelling competition.  Mc won. Sounds like they had to run throuhnhoneynas patrol the challenge, making it messier than other seasons spelling challenges.  Andy doesn't like getting dirty and hopes next challenge is clean.  The hgs are now showering and getting cleaned up after the comp.  if they were allowed to sing, Andy says he would be putting musicals on, along with Howard.

Helen says  its been seven days, but it's going by fast.  If she is still there next month I doubt she will feel the same way.

Jeremy is admiring Howards body calling him a He-man.

Aayrn and Gm make a pact to choose each other for upcoming comps.

Spencer didnt like the host of the comp, and said Gm would have done a better job.

Aaryn is apologies to David for being bitching, and they hug.  Earlier in the day he was talking to one of the other girls that she told him not to talk to.  She is cleaning the honey off of his microphone/battery pack.

Nick telling mc not to use the veto, as he wants blondie to go home, as he is a threat.  This must mean David, it seems like Mc also wants David gone, with Amanda next in line. Jeremy , kaitlin and Jesse come up, and mc leaves the hoh room. They are eating pasta.

Helen and eliyssa talk, and think Mc's target is David, but they would like him to put Jeremy up. Eliyssa thinks everyone was planning on back dooring her.  Helen tells her to lay low and not talk game, because it will get all twisted.  elyissa tried to spell pot roast as one word, but it was two and it did not count in the spelling comp. Elyssa doesn't think anyone but Helen is nice to her. She wants examples of others Helen thinks like her, but Helen doesn't want to share.  Helen doesn't want her to go back to them, and for anything to be misconstrued.  Helen mentions she has a Hyundai Elantra, and her parents gave her a Camry, but will probably give it back to get a bigger car. Elyssa misses her family. Helen tells her she has to give 150 percent, and needs to win hoh next time.

Aaron is going up to hoh for a bubble bath and Jesse joins her.

Amanda is resting her head on Jeremy's lap and he is stroking her hair, they are talking to Gm and nick.
Gm mentions that she acted like a lady when sleeping with Nick, but said she could put her hand down his pants if she wanted to and Nick pushes her hand away.

They start to talk about accents, and Amanda doesn't like Australian accents, but British is hot.
Gm says if you keep asking for things according to the book, you won't get it.

Elyissa is spraying and cleaning the shower.

Spencer is concerned that elyssa is MVP and may continue to get it every week. He is playing chess with Howard. They continue to talk strategy, but are whispering, and there is loud background noise in the kitchen. Spencer paid 21k for a house and renovated and painted it. He has 2 homes combined with  70k value.

Nick and David talking, and David says he would like to have been a pro surfer, but not good enough.  Nick likes to watch pro skiing.  David spent $500 to teach his girlfriend to snowboard in mammonth and than she dumped him.

Andy works 2 or 3 days a week.  Has a long commute and takes public transportation to his job in Chicago. He's a timid driver and has been in 2 accidents.  He was hit by a semi on the freeway that ripped the driver side door. He also hit a telephone pole another time.

The hgs now know Elyssa is Rachel's sister, and Helen feels bad for trusting her. She tells Jeremy that she feels played and was blindsided.  Elyssa origally told Jeremy that gizelle(the model) was her sister when he thought she looked familiar.  Helen found Rachel annoying but doesn't find Elyssa annoying.  Jeremy could see he resemblance in their laugh, walk, posture, eyes, and lips. Jeremy knows he is cocky loud and in your face, as that is how he is outside the house as well.

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