Wednesday, June 26, 2013

big brother contestants enter the house summary of 1st episode of season 15

The cast of bb15 enters the house!!!!!

What was Andy wearing?  he had a top with cats all over it, and It looked like pajamas. the type of pjs you wear when you are 5 years old. He also reminds me of howdy doodie.

Elissa wants to form an all girl alliance, which would be a first. I would like to see her pull this off.

Kaitlin is ready for drama

Jessie thinks she is the prettiest.

Ginamarie  may like Howard, and she is getting a reputation as a loudmouth

Spencer is ready to be two faced, but is starting a 3 man alliance with Jeremy and Howard .  I can definitely see him playing all sides of the house.

Judd is ready to party.

David the lifeguard did not have not much to say, he's gettting a reputation as the dumbest member of the house.  David also seems to like Aaron, and is already worried about messing up his hair in the first competition.

Jeremy is being compared to the actor in the Twilight movie.  I guess I do see a slight resemblance.

Nick is the most attractive, and there may be a future hookup with him.

Helen is keeping a secret about being in politics, and admits she doesn't like to clean.  The bb house could be messy this year.

Jeremy likes Kaitlin, and also seems like he will be a good manipulator, as he taled David into going for the never have not pass.

McCrae said if he was gay would go for Howard.  He has no ambition, but others don't believe he is only a pizza boy.

Judd seems to recognize Rachel's sister Elissa, but doesn't know where he has seen her before.  He eventually figures it out.

Julie has officially announced the twist with 3 nominations instead of two this year.

Elissa is not announcing that she is Rachel's sister as that will put a big target on her.

The giant Popiscle holding contest begins with two strong players throwing the competition.  They don't want to be the first head of household.  The contestants say the Popsicle is cold and they are getting splashed with paint or some type of slime

No have nots entire time is offered for the next one to drop.  David drops and gets to pick from two pails and he gets a slice of bread.  Jeremy is next to drop and gets the never have not pass for the entire summer.  I don't blame him, I would hate to eat slop.

McCrae wins the first hoh, and it's probably good for him, as he may have been picked for elimination.

America will vote for guest they believe played best for MVP, and the MVP can make the 3rd nomination in secret and they don't have to tell.  It's possible that neither of McCrae's nomination's will go home, and he will than have two targets on his back coming after him.

No show time After dark this  year, it has moved to the tvgn channel from midnight to 2 am.

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