Saturday, June 29, 2013

Big Brother after dark summary 6/28/13

6/28 After dark update

Andy talking to Amanda.  They would like to see Elyssa go.  He feels like he hasn't talked game to a lot of people, knows Gm doesn't like Candace.  Spencer enters the room.  Jeremy is someone to back door according to Amanda.  Spencer agrees that he will self destruct, and thinks America will love Aaryn.  Amanda refers to someone or a group as Bieber fever, not sure who she is referring to.  Wants wild cards gone. Judd is also in the room.  They mention Candice, Nick, and Gm are floaters,many Nick sleeps all day gets up and cooks food just for him.

Gm and Elyssa and Helen doing  handstands and flips in the backyard.

Spencer tells Howard that David is going home.and

Amanda, Helen, Andy, Kaitlin, Jesse is the pick off order

Amanda mentions ER plan and who should make it to the jury for the 13 grand, she's talking to her alliance of Andy, Howard, Judd.  And mc. Mc is brushing his hair, I honk he is trying to get 100 strokes in. Andy says Aaryn is a s..t starter. The camera mugging is also starting to drive him crazy, such as the first day fashion show. He doesn't dislike anyone as people, but wants better game players.  They think Candance would be on board with whatever they ask of her, and is not a strong player. Candice comes in and they quickly change topic to their favorite movies, hers is coming to America , pretty woman, little monsters.

They talk about former player Dan and his red shirt that he never changed. Candace wants to do something fun like charades, she's eating a bucket of popcorn, and says she will start exercising tomorrow.  Mc is asked how long his hair is been long, he says he cuts it himself each summer to save money, and grows it out for the winter to keep his head warm.  They talk about season 9 being the worst.  Candace talks about New Orleans, and says the women are loud. She's not a fan of Mardi gras, and it's not safe to be there anymore.  Mc talks about the big brother parties he would have at home during the shows.  Candace calls him a nerd.

Howard and Helen are playing pool.

Aaryn comes in and tells Jeremy and David  that Kaitlin said their alliance should be called boats and hoes.

Elyssa makes fun of Amanda in front of the camera, saying my name is Amanda, men in bocca Raton  call me, I'm also a real estate agent.   She also calls out hi to her husband, and hi to Canada.  Judd is tying out a ny accent, and complains about being a have not.  Elyssa says it looks like he lost seven pounds.  She doesn't like other people in the kitchen when cooking at home.

Nicks place at home is small about 10x 30 feet, and you are cooking in the living room.  He talks about ny being the only true city, and you don't need a car.

Elyssa and Andy are making slop. Andy  says how cold it is at night in the have not room.

Mc and Judd smoking in the backyard, talking about tomorrow's veto ceremony. Mc now inside and tells Helen he is campaigning for David to stay.  This contradicts what he said before.  They still don't know who the MVP is.  There's talk about taking Candace off the block and putting up Elyssa so she can go home.

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