Tuesday, September 17, 2013

big Brother 15 Summary/ recap 9/11/13


MC talks about he and his friend went to the Mall of America to audition for Big Brother.  He does shout outs to his friends.  Spencer does his shout outs to family and friends and neighbor, and dentist, and  chiropractor that is tops in the state and maybe the world, Bob Seager, and Elizabeth Shoe.

GM says if you are watching live feeds, Big Brother owns a sweat shop and I'm making jewlry.

Andy goes upstairs to use the bathroom because the one downstairs is so gross.  They start making up stories about prior houseguests  returning to the game again. They got an exclusive look at Howard and Candice's porn video. spencer is making up more stories about Elissa, and Jeremy.  He says they had conjugal visits and Andy had John Travolta.

Everyone is playing cards.

Big Brother After Dark summary recap 9/15/13

Gm is baking cookies.

Spencer, Andy, and GM begin a memory walk of past houseguests.  First is David, Andy remembers David saying to Andy do you want to see my ass by the pool and pulled down his speedo.

Spencer shows the spot where he told david he would never evict him.  GM show spot where David wore her pink dress, and she could see his package.

Andy goes to the chess board for Nicks memory, where the only two people he played chess with were evicted.  GM goes to the hammock to show her favorite spot, where they would hold hands under the pillow.  He told her he liked her and would kiss her on day 90.  Spencers Nick spot is on the lounge chair by the pool, where Nick wanted to put together the moving company.

Spencer says he saw Kaitlins left t*t through the shower.  Andy show the spot where Judd claimed he heard Kaitlin saying she wanted to evict Helen.  GM shows the bathroom spot where Kaitlin picked her belly button and tweezed her happy trail in front of everbody.

GM says Howard sat in achair outside and told her he respected her and was a good girl. Andy says Howard asked him if he wanted to be sore tomorrow, and had him do a workout at the exercise equipment.  Spencer says Howard played pool with him and than gave a speech where Spencer wanted to pull him outside, because it was a creepy speech.

Spencer says Nick is a lucky man, he will be fed, and taken care of in bed.  Spencer also says he is a handsome devil.

Andy goes to the storage room for Candices memory.  She told him there are 4 people running this house, and we need to get out Amanda.  They go to the spot where she went off on Spencer.

Gms Judd story is when Aaryn got hoh asked who voted David out, she though she could trust Judd.  He also lied about voting Nick out.

Andys favorite memory was Helen saying she has Freddy Mercury fingers, but she was confused she meant Freddy Kruger.  GM said Helen had a big mouth and couldnt whisper.

Spencer is wearing fake eyeballs.  GM tells him he looks like a crazy person.  Andy cant stop laughing at Spencers antics.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Big Brother After Dark summary/recap 9/14/13


GM plays solitare.  Spencer is reading his hoh letter for after dark viewers and explaining who everyone mentioned in the letter is.  Andy is napping' and says sorry after dark viewers when he returns from his nap. Not much happening in the bb house tonight.

Andy and Spencer are talking about the latest comp and how hard it was.  It may have had something to do with rock climbing. (Andy won).  Andy will play Gm in part 3 for final hoh.  GM is making chicken parm for everyone.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Big Brother After Dark Summary / recap 9/13/13


GM asked Helen  how come her mom doesn`t speak english but her dad does. Helen explained the story to her, and she tells SPencer.  Spencer says he would help her if it was his wife.   GM also says she had to do Helens makeup a different way because she had Chinese eyes.

Spencer says Puerto Ricans are sexy.  Freddy is Peurto Rican and Italian.  Spencer says he was handsome in the pictures from GMs hoh.

GM is painting an empty soda bottle  Spencer says it is pretty, if MC was here he would tell her to sell it on ebay.  Andy says this show engulfs MCs life insanely.  He lays around playing a lot of video games.  Spencer warned him getting drunk and getting high if your not careful you will be alone with nothing to fall back on thats what happened to be.  MC says he is not responsible.

Spencer thinks Howard is the only person on the memory board that likes him.  He also thinks Candice is ok with Andy.   Spencer says MC was scared of David because he was a strong player.  GM talks about the boom squad alliance, with Jeremy her, Nick and David and Kaitlin and Aaryn.  GM says it was the worst alliance. Aaryn didn`t trust Nick and told GM not to go near him.  Andy was told by production that he couldn`t use the name goof troop for his alliance.  Jeremy wanted David out so he could control Aaryn.  Aaryn started fighting witih Kaitlin becasue she wanted more of Jeremys attention.

Specer says his goal with Howard was to get Andy to work with them instead of Amanda and MC. He hated that Howard acted weird and nobody trusted him.

Spencer  and GM says Nick had nice hair.  Spencer looks at the memory wall and says who else had nice hair including MC.

Andy sayd Entertainment Weekly is his favority magazine, he thinks it would be crazy to have his face in there.

Spencers strategy early on was to take naps with his sunglasses on and watch who was sneaking around together.  Andy asks who the number one target of the boom squad was.  Gm says they didn`t have one they just hung out, and they left her out of everything.

Andy says Judd was a hot head, he didn`t like Howard, and would call him by the wrong name.  Judd didn`t want to talk to anyone after the gamae.  They stary talking about who ws a sex fiend, and include Aaryn, Candice and Katlin.  Gm says she is not.

GM says Kaitlin didn`t know the game, she should have done her homework.  Gm says Judd tried to be an an alliance with everyone.  Andy says he just followed Amanda and MC like a little puppy.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Big Brother AfternDark Summary/ recap 9/12/13


Final 3 Spencer, Gm and Andy talking about part one of the final hoh, which Gm won, there were roller skates and smoke involved.  GM says this season was hard mentally and physically

Spencer says MC was a slop and didnt cook one thing all summer, Amanda would cook for him.

GM doesn't like gimme bears, if she has them she chews them and spits them out, she can't swallow them.

Andy thinks MC thought he would make it to the final two.  He would have dominated this last comp.  Spencer says because of Amanda he didn't build the personal relationships

GM mentions how much MC puked after one of the comps.  MC played his best game week one according to Andy, even GM thought he was amazing that week.

GM would like to have bb winner receive less so that there is something for third place.  She is eating dinner with Spencer, and says how pretty Julie looked last night.  Spencer likes the BBQ sauce, he usually buys store brand.

Spencer tells Andy he blogged that his best game move was aligning with Andy.  Andy says he is playing for second because the jury will be vengeful. Spencer tells Andy he played an awesome game and deserves to win.  Andy says Its huge testament that Spencer was on the block so many times. Elissa had said when she was there she wasn't going to waste her hoh on Spencer.  Andy says endurance comps are not his thing.

If Andy didn't need the money so bad he wonders if he would be so cut throat. Andy asks spencer if he had a final two deal with Judd, and he replies no.

MC stole Andy's gummie bears before he left.

Spencer is in dr room, and Andy tells ago he need it would be one of them that won this last comp.judd would have been bad at this comp. GM said he did good on the bull.  Andy is not motivated to clean the house since they are only hear 5 more days.  Amanda had to tell MC to shower he was so dirty.  GM calls Amanda a whore, since she only knew MC a week.  Andy says she even had a boyfriend when she came into the house.

Spencer says they probably send a crew out to their families house to interview them, and they probably interviewed Nick about you.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Big Brother After Dark Summary /Recap 9/10/13


Andy and MC are painting ducks.  It sounds like the After Dark episode was recorded earlier, to hide the results of the eviction that will be shown Wed evening.  Andy suggests putting a fake body in one of the beds, and saying Elissa wake up, I cant believe you came back you must be so tired.

Spencer and Andy and Judd say what a crazy day.  It sounds like there were guests from various seasons of BB (if they are telling the truth).  Spencer says Ollie was booty dancing.

Andy asks why Spencer doeen`t like the ducks.  Spencer says due to childhood memories.  MC heard blue ducks are more aggressive.  Andy says it ws nice to see Julie in person in the house, she was taller than I thought.  (I doubt this happened). Spencer says GM and Julie Chen were in a fight.  Judd wonders if Julie said to Amanda what was it like being a total b*tch in the house. Spencer heard that Amanda is going to sue cbs for defamation of character.

They find new activities in the storage room, laynards and glitter, sand.  They have a small bottle with a funnel to enter the different color sand.  Gm is going to make a bracelet for everyone.   Spencer mentions a story that Elissa would poop in her pants, hide in the closet and eat it (Again, he is making things up).  

Andy asks if Judd uses makeup, the few first weeks Andy didn`t but he has been using it ever since.  Spencer says we are in hi def you need to use it or you look greasy.

Andy puts a pillow over his crotch, and Spencer asks him if he is trying to cover up a b*ner.  Andy lifts up the pillow and says no, theres a paint stain on his shorts.  

Andy says Jeremy had best intentions but would say things like for a gay dude you are really funny. Spencer says remember the time Jeremy build a house, or ate an apple in one bite.  GM says he saved 5 children from a burning building.  Andy says he picked up a deer from the window of his car and threw it before he hit it.  MC says he swerved to hit soe children in the road and hit another person
who was a murderer and got rewarded for it.

Gm says reemember how he made Helen cry.  Spencer says Jeremy was offered a chance to ride in an experimental spacecraft.  Andy says Helen would tell us every day how thick her hair was.  Spencer says Jeremy rode a tiger to school.  Jeremy had to train the olympic team on every sport and had to leave bb early.

MC says Jeremy invented Facebook and gave the idea away, so he could bang chicks, no cause he couldn`t bang chicks but he wanted it all.  Spencer says he wrote the code out in 30 minutes.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Big Brother after dark summary/ recap 9/9/13


Spencer tells Judd he should try online dating.  Spencer tells Andy that he needs to have his heart broken, since he is new to the dating world. Spencer was pissed off when Helen was hoh and told him how sloppy his game was, and he wouldn't last long.

Spencer whispers to Andy the best thing for his game was aligning with him.

GM says she didn`t know that San Francisco was in California.

MC and Andy complaining that Judd is asking them to ote for him to stay, and GM is being cool about it.  They are all pretty sure Elissa will win Americas favorite player.

GM is getting frustrated with the origami instructions.  Andy would hate the feeling of dried clay on his hands in school.

There is a lot of talk about horror movies, such as Texas Chain Saw Masacre, Scream, and The Hills Have Eyes. Andy talks about the plot of Parana 3D, starring Eliabeth Shoo.  He says the worst movie was I know what youi did last summer.

MC changes the topic to hockey and the best goaie there ever was.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Big Brother After Dark Summary /recap 9 /8/13


Spencer asks if a gay guy has ever made it to the fnal 3?  Judd says no.  Andy says Regan made it to top 5.

GM says she doesn`t feel good her hand is shaking from the tetnus shot, that she can`t even paint.  (shes painting a rubber duck)

Andy says Judd is more metally broken (he is out of cigarettes) and GM is more physically broken, which one do we keep around. Spencer says  Judd has pissy moods.  Andy says he acts like a baby when he loses.  MC says he feels that Judd gave up on the veto, and Spencer and Andy agree.

Andy says Elissa doesn`t deserve Americas player.  She wouldn`t even share a bed with anyone, not even me who is no threat to her.  Aaryn would have been more of a threat since she had made out with girls.  They talk about Aaryns game play, she pulled out all the stops when she was on the block.

Spencer says my sweet Marilyn.  Andy says you`ll see her soon.  GM and Judd are MIA.  MC says for personal non game reasons he wants GM gone.  Andy says Elissa had a great line as she was exiting saying whatever.  She was uncomfortable around men and is better off in the jury house.  MC says it pisse him off when she threatened to go home instead of the jury.  She did`t care about the game at all.  Andy didn`t hate Nick as a person just a game player.  Elissa was the only person he didn`t like as a person.  MC calls her a s*bag. Those are the people you want to puke on.

Spencer and Judd caution MC about moving to FL, and how hard it may be to find a job.  Try to get Amander to move to Minnesotta. MC doesn`t want to be in a co-dependent relationship. MC has an ex Jessica that thinks she will be pissed at him.  They broke up a while before, her ex boyfriend died. After high school she dated a guy, he cheated on her, and she saw MC, her ex moved to FL and died in a motorcycle accident.  She started to be distant.  She told him he would make it on the show.  He didn`t make time for her.  MC says there was no banging she was a good girl.  She flipped him off as he was driving away.  MC says he only makes $135 every two weeks from the pizza place plus tips.  Jess his ex girlfriend is going to be a nurse making bank and she deserves better than him.  Spencer says any girl would be lucky to have him, he is very personable.  Whoever loves him will want him to be happy, even if it is delivering pizzas.

Andy doen`t want MC he thinks he`ll hate Bocca. Judd thinks MC will get back with his ex.

Judd says he got the name Texas Tornado for Aaryn from a Tracy Lawrence song.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Big Brother After Dark Summary/ recap 9/7/13


Judd is asking GM about Candice and her miss USA pageant,meh wants to know if she won, and GM says no.  GM mentions the smirk Nick had on his face on the first day when she first saw Nick.  Judd and Andys first impression of GM was that she was a valley girl from California.

MC gets reprimanded from bb production for sleeping in the living room, he gets up and moves to the bedroom.  He later comes back for something to eat. He tells a story about Amanda making chicken for dinner.

Andy thinks his comment while looking at the memory wall was funny about what type of dog everyone would be and he said Nick would be a dog that looked like a rat and people didnt know if it was a rat or a dog.

Eon from prior bb cast came to host the latest comp..  Its been a long ridiculous journey according o Spencer and Andy.  Andy says its been two weeks since zingbots birthday, which sent us all to the hospital.  They talk about Aaryns hoh wins, but the bbq was really won by Jeremy, they werentreally amazing   wins.  They were not the most strenuous.  GM says Aaryn didn`t have to break a sweat once.

Spencer says bitches get stitches and so do snitches.  (GM got stitches on her leg)

Spencer pays $416 per month for his 15 year mortgage, Andy $565 for rent, and GM pays about $400 now, but her finance`s mortgage was $2300.  NY is so expensive that 2 people need to work.  Spencer says Arkansas is good and cheap.

Andy asks MC if  he plays alot of drinking games at home, he say he plays dice more.

GM says she never made potatoes from scratch, it is too much work.  In NY you don`t have time to do that.

MC wants his picture from Keeping up with the Jones (not sure what this mean- probably something to do with the last comp).  Helens was bad of the Mona Lisa Andy says.

MC says he lives with 6 guys and it is a party house.  Judd lives by himself.  Andy thought about subletting his apt while he was away, but was worried that he might be evicted in the first few weeks.  He can`t remember if his roommate is half Japanese or Korean.  Andy tells a story about when Elissa was farting, not audibly, but the scent was in the air.

The first week Andy was holding something for GM, and she cut his thumb he recalls.

GM doesn`t like weddings because they are expensive, when you have to put money in the envelope, she says you need to put about $200 in, and doesn`t go unless she has to.

SPencer comes in yelling who is ready for a luxury competition, but he is only fooling.

Everybody starts doing multiple shout outs to their friends and family. Spencer announces MC won the veto today, and GM needed 9 stitches in her knee because she fell off the balcony.

Tomorrow is photobooth day, and SPencer asks does anyone else hate the photo booth.  Andy likes it.  Spencer says AAryn is almost a total package, if she wasn`t a racist  and had bigger t*tts.  (Lets get real has SPencer looked in the morror lately, he is no where near a total package) MC says he heard Amanda fart one time and SPencer heard it too, she was so embarrassed.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Big Brother After Dark Summary / Recap 9/6/13


Judd is telling Spencer he has never lived anywhere where he wasn`t near a train.  He always hears it.

GM tells MC that she feels they want her out more.  She feels like she is by herself.  Spencer has a good excuse he put her up, and Andy seems close to him.  GM says lets wait and see.  They are cooking dinner together.

Spencer and Judd talking about the look on Elissa`s face when it was a tie.  Spencer says GM is fiesty.

GM and MC are handcuffed together, Judd has to do exercises when requested by BB, and Andy has a chance to win up to $5000.

Spencer tells Andy he tried to work with Jeremy but it was impossible.  Andy hope MC doesn't win the veto, he doesn`t want things to get sticky.  Spencer laughs that GM offered to go to Comic con and get him a pamphlet.

Andy is so glad Kaitlin is gone he hated her.  Andy says what a wonderful dinner, he is so excited for the chicken parm that GM is cooking.  He doesn`t want the meat sauce and wants marina on his.  He looks at the label on the jar and says why is it a women an 2 kids that are biracial watering a lawn.  Andy also says Can we all agree that Amanda ate more garlic salt than anybody.  She put it on everything, even icecream.

Andy says Candice was messy as hell.  GM and Helen had to clean the entire stove after she got grease all over it.  Andy said there was an early risers alliance and a late alliance.  Judd says he never slept the first week.  Jessie was the house sleeper and slept the most, and went to bed at 12: 30 every night.  GMs normal routine is to go to bed at 3.  Spencer goes to bed at 10 normally.  Andy talks about his rigid schedule of waking up at 6:00 something and is out the door by 6:28 to catch the train and than walks 3 miles to school to teach.

During dinner the whistle blows and Judd is ordered to do 57 lunges.  The BB virtual drill sargent says Spencer may be HOH but I`m running this house., and the HG`s laugh.  GM says you running s**t drill Sargent.  He yells back GM likes to party.  Hey Judd Uncle Sam just called and he doesn`t want you  the drill Sargent yells out.

Judd says Elissa went to Kim Kardashians engagement party, and didn`t even know her.  They think its weird that she never said her husbands name or her kids name.  Andys favorite Elissa memory is her 15 year old has his own business and had a car when he was 12.  Andy states again how much he hates Elissa.

Spencer yells out Love you Marilyn.  Andy yells out to camera Hi friends and family I won $94in a  luxury   comp today.

Judd is ordered to 10 pushups maggot.  My grandmother can do a better pushup than you and she died 10 years ago the drill Sargent adds. Andy tells Judd wish you could have been her for Helens good vs evil speech.  She believed she would be mvp because america loves moms.  America wants good people to win this game.

Spencer tells GM he will tape her toes up nice and tight before the veto comp.  GM doesn`t feel good, the pain in her foot is the worst it has been.  GM says she can cook just about anything and watched a youtube video on how to cook a turkey for Thanksgiving last year and it was bada*s.

Judd says MC doesn`t seem to sad that Amanda is gone.

Everyone is hanging up in hoh room.  Gm asks MC if he didn`t win hoh would Amanda still be all over your nuts.  He wondered himself, but didn`t win any other comps and she was still sticking with him.  GM says Amanda dated heirs of Oscar Myer Weiner, and they all laugh at that.  They are talking about how you know if you are in love.  Gm says if someone mentions their name you light up.  Spencer says also its how much time you spend thinking about them when they are not around.  MC says he doesn`t know if he has been in love.

Andy is entrigued toknow what Elissa`s husband is like.

Spencer thiks it will be cute to see what their families wear to the finale.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Big Brother After Dark Summary/ recap 9/5/13


All is quiet in the house.  Andy is alone in the kitchen playing solitare.

Andy walks into bathroom where MC is washing his hand, and tells him After Dark is getting a great show of me playing solitare.  MC tells him to jerk off, and goes outside. The double evictionhas occurred   earlier this evening where Amanda and Elissa have been sent to the jury.

Judd enters and Andy tells him he sucked at the veto, and mentions the exciting show he is putting on for After Dark.  Andy says he can`t believe they pulled this off, and Amanda was shocked.  It made it so worth it.  Judd excuses himself to go pick his nose.

Spencer, Gina, Judd and Andy are now in the kitchen talking about the veto comp.  It sounds like it involved partial pictures of the houseguests.

Spencer won the hoh and requested Bud Lights.  There was 1 award and 3 gifts or punishments.  Details will follow from production.

Judd is singing Elissa is gone.  Spencer does a happy dance.

Spencer yells out to Marilyn- Are you watching After Dark I won HOH.  I miss you. He is worried that she didn`t sign a release and may not get a picture of her.  Day 77 is Spencer's best day.

Andy tells Spencer we did it I have chills. Spencer tells him you are going to final 4 with me.

Andy says Helen will be happy to see Amanda, and Aaryn will be happy to see Elissa in the jury.
Judd says it is the biggest jury of women.  Spencer says its 6 women in the jury.  1 more would be a normal full jury.  If there is money involved SPencer says he will decide between GM and Andy, since Judd and Spencer won money already or keep it for himself.  Spencer says can you imagine if it was Candice here instead of GM, but she did make a good fried chicken.

Spencer thought Elissa was going to pull out a coup d`etat.  Spencer says Jeremy was the same height as George Washington at 6 feet 5.  He tells a story about George Washington falling out of a canoe and Daniel saved his life.  Daniel killed some people in the woods for no reason and George said I will never tell anyone.  GM asks who was president before him.  Andy says he was the first president

Spencer wonders if in his hoh room there will be a picture of him from Halloween dressed up as the tin man.  It would be weird for them to see a pic of him without his beard.

Andy is pretty sure America was MVP and voted Elissa out.  GM wonders why they would vote her out, and Andy says it was only week three, and probably because of your association with Kaitlin.

GM says she is the only girl in the house. Andy apologies for the way he voted, and it was nothing against her.
Judd says there is more alcohol for them now with Elissa and Amanda gone, and since GM doesn`t drink  Andy talks about how bad he has been at all the comps lately.  Andy complains about production telling him to stop spelling his name with the playdough.  He also talks about Beanie Babies and some people had tag protectors, but he said he wanted to play with his beanie babies Andy asks if anyone else ws around when Aaryn tells the story of when she found a dead body.  MC says it was an awesome story.  She was swimming and there was a body floating in a cave.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Big Brother After dark summary/ recap 9/4/13


Spencer says GM is as strong as two guys to Judd and MC. They are playing with Playdoguh, and MC is making Julie Chen. judd tells Amanda she was a smart player, and she says not that smart cause Im leaving tomorrow or am I?

Judd asks Mccrazy what his nationalitiy is, he replies, German,, Sweedish, Polish.  French Canadian. MC wonders what you could get away with in the hose based on your religion.  Andy says Kaiser got a hooka.

GM and Amanda are aguing becuase GM said something about her bed, and Amanda smirked.  Amanda says she doesn`t want to fight, and she is fighting by herself.  GM says Amanda thinks she is funny, but is funny looking.  GM says I have hoh and you don`t, you jumped in the sack with the first hoh.  Do you want to make fun of me living with my parents? Amanda says GM is in love with someone she knows nothing about, and is portrayed as psycotic.  GM says Amanda told her she was with a million guys.  (theres alot of bleeping).  Amanda asks what are you worried about, you have no power anymore.  GM stands up and claps that Amanda has read the rule book.  GM says she has 5 personalities because she is on 5 different medications, and does coke.  She told the world she has a coke problem.  Amanda denies this.  Amanda says the physchiatrist had to be brought in 5 times for GM becuase they though you were crazy.  GM says she is not worried about anything, and is not on medication.  She doesn`t sleep with guys for money.  GM was engaged and had 4 boyfriends her whole life.  She feels bad that MC was used the whole game.  Amanda says you and Nick are going to get married.  GM says even if Jeremy was hoh you would have jumped in the sack with him the first night.  Your a mastermind of this whole game, let me pack my bags and write the check out to Amanda.  How`s your yeast infection doingAmanda   Hows your clit ring doing GM?  GM calls her a tramp and says she has no money to remove her tramp stamp.   Amanda says I`m sorry I don`t put on a full face of makeup everyday, and GM says there is a camera.  GM says she is trying to concentrate with her building blocks.  They stand up are in each others faces.  GM says she has less freckles than AManda and less celllulite.  Amanda says who are you?  The past two days you have been crazy, and you are the most immature 34 year old person.  Nick will be so proud of you when he sees you acting like this.  You are a disgusting human being, GM calm down.  GM says I bet your mother is proud, and AManda says she is probably embarassed.   (the boys say nothing and are looking very uncomfortable during this argument)  GM says drop it like you drop your pants, I apologize, it was nice of me to give you my room.  Amanda yells out to bb don`t you screen these people before you bring them into this house.  Amanda says Andy is encourageing her behavior because he starts to laugh.  GM says the acadamy award goes to Amanada.

Amanda tells MC that he watched GM take these digs at her and just sat there and did nothing and watched Andy and Judd laugh.  It hurts the most that he just sat that and didn`t stand up for her.  She needs a man and he is a little boy. Its disgusting that he loves her and he just sits there.  He says look at the position she is in.  He doesn`t know the meaning of love.

GM apolizes, but Amanda says it doesn`t sound meaningful.  GM says I understand tomorrow is a rough day for you.  Amanda says she ws only smiling from her diary room session, but GM says you are smirking like you ar eup to something.  Amand says you are making fun of the way I look and my personality, it is so low.  GM says I only repeated what you said already.

The boyzs say they are not going to break up a girl fight, its different if a guy is involved

Amanda  goes back to have not room with MC and says how disgusting GM is , she is crying and says she was  attacked for no reason.  MC says she did not need to be defended.  She participated, and it takes two to tanger.  He doesn`t get into fights because he knows better.  She asks is this how
you are in real life.  MC says this is not real life.

Spencer  says he didn`t know what to do to Judd and ANdy, it was MC`s job.  Spencer asks MC if Amanda is mad at him, and he says yeah. Spencer blames the stress on being in lockdown and not being able to go outside.

Elissa wakes up from her nap, and Amanda tells her about the fight with GM.  elissa says she never got into a fight with her husband.  Freddy never yells at GM`s mom.

MC says to  what was I  suppose to do knock her out?  Amanda says you should stand up for me.
elissa is dying GM`s hair.  Spencer is watching and picking his nose.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Big Brother After dark summary/recap 9/3/13


GM tells spencer and mc she can't wait til Thursday (for Amanda's eviction). Spencer says the fans are probably excited with the current noms and will be glad to get rid of the loudmouth bitch and the hippie dude.  Spencer looks at pic of GM in hoh and says she looks hot here.

All hgs are in the kitchen and honor Howard and Aaryn by singing happy birthday to them.  GM has made a cake.

Spencer and Gm play checkers.

Amanda tells Andy that GM is acting weird and knows something is up.

As a person Nick was ok,but Andy hated him as a game player.  Amanda said he flirted with Jessie.  He told MC that he was doing it for game.

Spencer tells Amanda and Judd that GM never moved her back row in their checker game and he never played with anyone that did that.

Amanda explains what snow blowing is.  When a guy spits in your mouth and it spit it back in their mouth.  It's also called the time Spencer got arrested to punching a girl.  (Spencer doesn't elaborate any more on this).

Elissa wants the tutu back from the comp, and spencer says he will donate his to the local ballerina.
Andy is told to stop singing, he was mumble singing a Britney Spears song under his breath.

Amanda is reading the bible and asks if the story of Jesus is in the bible.  Elissa tells her it is after Matthew.  Andy says he knows nothing about the bible.

Elissa says her child got scolded in religious school for talking about zombies.

Mc says he was told by production to buy his clothes at Target or old navy (since they can't wear logos).  Spencer says he was told to get clothes from Dollar store or Salvation Army.  Production didnt like some of his cloths and production have him the blue shirt he is wearing and his orange shirt.  MC says production have him some clothes too.  Bb tells them to stop talking about production.

Gm is asked who the most immature houseguest is by Elissa. She says Jeremy.  Amanda says Jeremy was the most inconsiderate.  They all say GM is the most outgoing houseguest.  Worst gameplay, they say David.  Best laugh is Helen, but Andy likes Howard's laugh.  Most level,headed, elissa says me.  Best dressed is Andy, then they change their mind and say Judd.

MC say Candice tells MC she feels closer to him since he nominated her, he thought it was like someone in an abusive relationship.

They are all sitting outside talking about everyone's catch phrases,macs dice was keep it real.  MC for Amanda it was her laugh, GM says poppin.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Big Brother 15 After Dark Summary / recap 9/2/13


MC tells Elissa winning the comps is what matters now.  Elissa is sitting in the hot tub and MC is pacing back and forth in the yard.  He feels bad for GM if the next comp involves running due to her sore foot. MC doesn`t know how good a competitor Andy and Judd are, Judd could be holding back.  
MC knows he isolated himself by being with Amanda and has no idea how people are thinking.  MC is thinking about jury hardcore.  Elissa says she won`t win not even against Spencer, only Helen would vote for her. Elissa says the difference between MC winning and coming in second would be to have Amanda smooth things over in jury.  They apologize to each other for hurting each other previously in the game.  MC says nothing in the past matters.  

Spencer joins MC and Elissa.  Spencer doesn`t see the have nots continuing. They wonder if it is a double evection coming up.  MC you are only safe with the veto  Spencer and MC talk about some odd dreams that they had.  

MC and Amanda are lying in bed.  She says everyone is talking like she is gone already. He tells her she can still try, and how can she be mad at him for trying to figure out where he is going to be next week.  

Judd says Amanda seems pissed, and is saying no one is protecting her.  MC says she feels like everyone is ignoring her.  Spencer says he has been trying to give her space. 

Judd asks Spencer what a wompas cat is  He explains it has 6 legs and is a mythical sculpture at his school.

Spencer wonders if his family got a kick out of seeing him run around in the chicken suit, as he is funny but a serious person.

GM says it is the little people fighting against the beast (Amanda).  

Spencer said Amanda said she stands up and says her ming and believes thats why she is going home. GM thinks Amanda must be a lot worse at home, because you need to hold back here.  GM says its scum to talk about someones kid.  It`s disgusting.  (referring to Amanda`s comments)  

Elissa is doing dishes and Hi, Please send additional detail on the dating website.
 is sitting at kitchen table.  Spencer walks in and goes back outside to tell Judd, Andy and GM that it is weird that Amanda is just staring at Elissa, and thinks something is up like they were talking before he entered the room. 

Andy is talking about prior season casts and ranking them in order that he dislikes, cowboy and Lawon are named.

Amanda tells Elissa loyalty is huge for her.  From a game perspective she would be 100% loyal to her. It would take the target off of Elissa.  She thanks Elissa for hearing her out.  

Monday, September 2, 2013

Big Brother After Dary Summary/ recap 9/1/13


Spencer thinks Amanda and MC should do a joint diary room session.  They don`t think they are allowed, and Spencer says he does it with Judd.

Amanda and MC take off for a shower together.  Elissa says wouldn`t it be weird taking a shower together on tv.

GM tells Andy 100% Amanda or MC is going home this week.

Andy says his favorite incident was when GM made chicken parm and didn`t want Spencer to have any.

Judd tells Andy he thinks MC might use the veto on Amanda.  Spencer joins and says Elissa has two Pamprin and he changed them with pepto bismal.

Amanda tells GM that Judd and Elissa are working together and keeping it a secret, it least you know who I`m working with.

Amanda speculates with Andy that GM is spending a lot of time with Spencer, and she is either not putting him up or he knows that he is safe.

Amanda and GM ask to talk to GM upstairs in HOH room.  Amanda tells GM she believes that she is working with Elissa, because she is not worried about being on the block at all.  GM swears that she is not working with her and their are no deals.  Amanda gives scenarios if she goes home she is risking 3 people targeting her unless she puts Elissa up.

Elissa and GM are washing dishing, and Elissa points out that 12 of the 16 of the houseguests this season were in a showmance.  GM says too bad hers only lasted 20 days.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

big Brother After Dark Summary/recap 8/31/13


Spencer talking to Judd about how they will bring all their extra Bb stuff home, including the chicken suit and might have to ship it.

Andy and Amanda talking.  Andy believes if Elissa gets hoh she will put him up.

Gm says her mind is mind up to Andy.  She will listen to Amanda, but she is going home.  Amanda should be a lawyer the way she manipulates the situation.  GM talks aboiut how her hand still hurst from a prior comp, where her hand was all swollen and black and blue.  She has had injuries to her back, foot and hand.

GM says Freddieputsduck sauce on pork chops.  Andy says he ate 4 bags of skittles from someones hoh basket. GM feels like she is married to everyone in the house even the girls.  She just knows everyones habits, like how Nick would get up an pee and take his medicine.

Spencer tells Andy that GM is like the terminator, she has one goal in mind and wont change.  Andy feels like it will be a double eviction.

MC talking to GM and comparing himself to a wounded animal if you help them they are loyal for life like he and Amanda would be.  To keep a bigger target like Amanda would be good for GM and keep the target off her.  Amanda says she never wins comps and Elissa wins when under pressure.  If GM keeps them she will have two votes to the end.  GM also believes it will be a double eviction. Amanda says Elissa will act like she is your best friend becasue you won hoh, and I have been consistent and you know where you stand with me.  Elissa needs to be knocked off her high horse and she doesn`t deserve to be here.  She sent home Aaron and Nick.

Andy and Elissa say Minneapolis is one of their favorite cities.  Elissa talks about her town in Canada being   nice size but has a small town feel to it.

MC suggest they play a game called screw your neighbor.  GM has heard of it and said it is a fun game.  It is a card game.  MC says whoever wins gets to pick who wears the chicken suit for an hour and has to get up and dance.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Big Brother 15 After Dark Summary/ recap 8/30/13


Judd asks Elissa if redneck is derogatory in Canada. She says isn't it derogatory everwhere.  Judd says there are many tv shows with redneck in the title.

Andy didn`t know he was a snorer but everyone tells him he is.

GM says the medic comes on at 8:00 and heads off to visit him.  Andy says what happens if you get hurt before 8:00.  (She fell going down the hoh stairs)

Spencer and Andy commenting on the decor in the living room saying they saw this setup in Martha Stewart Living.

Judd is complaining how hot he is in the chicken suit, he calls it a blanket.  Spencer says it is made out of mamouth fur.  Judd says Candice made the clownie suit look sexy on her last day.

Andy says if he was offered a Krispy Kreme donut and TacoBell cinnamon twist he would give up hoh for rest of the season..  Spencer thinks it would be cool to see what life is like in Iceland.  Andy says what do you think the four ladies are doing in the jury house?  Spencer says Bitching.  Andy says yeah, gossiping.  Andy says he hasn`t gotten a single reward or punishment all season.  Spencer says he is due.  Spencer said if he could go back in elementary school he would have slapped the librarian for calling him stupaid for not knowing how to use the card catalogue.

Amanda and MC are sulking in the bedroom.  (they were nominated by GM)  Amanda is stroking MCs hair.

Andy and Spencer are having a crazy made up conversation where they have kids, and don`t let them listen to the radio, if they did there was a bomb in it which would explode.  They were 11 and having kids and working in the coal mine.   Andy asks where everyone is.  Spencer says Elissa is in shower, GM in diary room, Amand, MC and Judd are sleeping.  Andy says what if Elissa is not in the shower and is having diarrhea.

Amanda tells MC the only person they can trust is Andy.

GM says her finger is numb from the chicken coop comp.  Andy leaves to join MC and Amanda, and tells them how much he hates Elissa.

Amanda tells Andy she didn`t think she would make it this far.  Andy says its a slow night in the house.  Amanda says its not fair that Judd got back in the house.  He will make it far and bypassed two evictions.  Spencer comes in and asks if anyone wants to play blackjack.  He never played before, but said if you can count you can play.  Amanda gives advice and says always assume the next card will be a 10.

Elissa and Judd are playing blackjack.  GM is explaining how to play.  Elissa didn`t know if an ace was worth 11.  GM told them to split on double 7s.  GM is in the bathtub.  Elissa talks about playing craps in Vegas and other people want her to play for them.  She looses every time on the slot machines.  GM finished her bath and comes out to teach Elissa, Judd and SPencer how to play Gin Rummy.  Amanda comes up to apologize and tells everyone that she loves them and is not going to campaign against MC.  She has no hard feelings and understands why they did what they did. GM says come up any time don`t feel weird.  Amanda says don`t hold anything against MC, it was all her doing and he talked her out of a lot of stuff.  GM says its nice she finally acted like a lady and apologized.  GM told them her and MC could have the hoh room one night

MC is reading the bible, and Amanda asked him his favorite part and he responded the part about Moses.  Amanda is making a bracelet for MC that says A with a heart.

Andy joins Amanda and MC, she tells him their alliane was the only original alliance left that was started from day 1.  Amanda says she doesn`t need the money as much as them, and was more interested in playing the game.  She is crying.  She tells them that Andy and MC need to seperate.  They need to get back in with Judd.  Andy doesn`t think Elissa will fully trust him again.

Amanda tells them they can make it to fl two and just stay loyal to each other.  She was blindsided and did not see this coming.  Andy says he was also shocked.

Andy goes back upstairs to GM, Judd, and Elissa, and says it was heartbreaking they have no idea Andy is working with the other side and how much they trust him.  GM explains that you come into this house alone and you leave alone.  GM says even little kids don`t torture each other as much as Amanda tortured Elissa.  Amanda claimed she did it for Aaryn.  Elissa says it is not appropriate for an adult.  Spencer says especially for a business woman, he cant imagine anyone wanting her to sell them a house.  Elissa says its not even worth her wasting her words.  Elissa thinks she must have some strange behavioral problems.  GM says people at home thinks she is nuts, but she can act normal.  It could be because Amanda is not on her medicine.  Andy says she has high highs and low lows.  She doesn`t want to have a crazy week, so Andy tells Elissa that maybe she will leave you alone.

Judd asks if Andy reminds GM of Napoleon Dynamite, and she says no.

Andy says it sounds like Amanda wants to throw the veto to MC, but she wants to fight for it, so he doesn`t know what to make of it. Gm says no one is going to boss her around except for Nick.  Aaryn did everything Amanda wanted her to do and see where it got her.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Big Brother 15 ASfter Dark Summary/ Recap 8/29/13


Andy is walking around asking everyone where his shoes are, he claims all of his shoes are gone as well as his dirty laundry.

Spencer and Judd are walking around in chicken costumes as a result of the last hoh comp.

Andy tells Spencer if GM puts up Amanda and MC he will throw the veteo.  (GM is the new HOH).

GM says she kept her word to vote Aaryn out, she wishes she could have given her vote like Elissa did for Helen, but Aary knew she was going home.  Spencer tells GM she is the queen of weird comps.  GM tells Spencer he looks cute drinking his beer in his chicken suit and gives him a hug.

Amanda says she worked as a server since she was 19 years old, and GM worked in a deli.  Andy applied at Dicks  Last resort where they hire based on personality and not experience and he was hired there.  Amanda says they are so mean there, and you have to be an ahole to work there. Andy once got a $50 tip for a $30 tab for dancing all night with his customer.  Amanda says Don Johnson ordered a big bottle of expensive chamagne and the tip was $25,000 it was split with entire place so each got $600.  The tip even got split with the doormen but was only suppose to be for the waitress, and she quit after that.  On her best night she made $800 in a night.

GM doesn`t drink but says whe will have a drink if she makes out with Nick.  She thinks she would be a mean drunk.  Elissa tells her not to get drunk, it is so 16.

They all say after being a server they always tip well.  Elissa even tips on to go orders.

Elissa says her husband bought a golf simulator and a hockey stadium that seats 5000 people.  She is going to build a wellness center in the downstairs.  Her husband has to have boy toys.

Amanda says the only resaon there are havenots is so that they don`t have to buy so much food, and maybe since there are so few of us there won`t have to be any mnnore have nots.  They are still hoping for a Pandora's box.  Spencer says he has to wear the chicken costume at all times, and just the hat when he swims, he is going to check and see if he must sleep in it.  He says he would rather wear the chicken outfit that be a have not.  Andy says Spencer and Judd are the two he wanted most to see in the chicken outfit.

Elissa says to GM that Amanda has been following her around for days harassing her.

Andy says his only living grandparent is grandma Tootsie.

Elissa says she can`t stand Elissa, and why is she picking on her 24 hours a day.  She is probably the grossest person I have ever met in my life.  She doesn`t know what to do, should she ignore her.  Spencer says violence is the best solution.  Andy says hit her with a frying pan.  Andy would say something back, but would be the bigger person.  Elissa says she has worked hard for everything she has and is a good person, and doesn`t have to bring other person down.  Amanda tells her that she has called Spencer and others disgusting, and shes going up on the block tomorrow.  Andy says this is GMs special night cut this out.  Amanda says she has multipe boats and houses and is so great and better than everyone else, and that is what she said to Aaryn.  Elissa says Aaryn hates you.

Andy says Helen was supersticious sitting in the nomination chairs. (Andy is sitting in them now).  Elissa says Aaryn was too.  Elissa thinks Aaryn is looking for personal growth and is smart and will surround herself by smart people.  Andy had wonderful conversations with Jessie, but he also had sad conversations.  Elissa said she had no bad conversations with Jessie.  Amanda says Jessie was jealous of Aaryn.

Elissa tells Andy it is so gross that Amanda and MC leave condoms all over the house.  She doesn`t want to catch their nasty diseases.

Andy tells SPencer and Judd that he sees both sides of the Amanda and Elissa fights.  They want to be sure that they are all ok if it is a double eviction.

Elissa says Amanda  attacked Aaryn, Jessie and myself and what gives her the right to attack every girl in this house.  Amanda has been following her for 2 weeks and bullying me.  It didn`t even bother me that she called me Rachels shadow.  Amanda is viciously evil anad a horrible person.

MC tells Amanda he doesn`t care what America thinks of him or how is being portrayed, he is here to win the game.  MC you have lost this game if you care what anyone thinks.  Amanda says Elissa is a bad person.  Andy joins them and tells Amanda that he told Elissa not to egg Amanda on.  MC tells Amanda to be the victim so they can get Elissa out.  Amanda is crying and says she can`t help how she feels and is being portrayed as a bitch.  Elissa laughs in my face.  MC says don`t play into her hands.  Amanda says Elissa has to go this week.

GM is up in the hoh room jumping up and down on the bed with excitement from her letterr, and pictures.  She got teeth whitening and perfume, saussage , white castle burgers, in her hoh basket.
GM had a nose job 5 years ago, but none of the pictures so her before the nose job.  (Amanda wanted to see old pic.).

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Big Brother After Dark Summary / recap 8/28/13


Judd asks GM about Brooklyn and Statin Island.  GM move from Brooklyn to Statin Island when she was  six and its nicer because there are houses with backyards to play in

Spencer got a bottle of Selzen Blue for his dandruff.

Elissa is talking about there being ants in the kitchen.

Aaryn asks BB production for wine since she is being evicted tomorrow, and they laughed and said they would see what they could do.

Amanda remembers the first time she talked to MC in the  house, he isolated himself in the corner, and she said to herself something is up with this kid, not sure what it is, but I like him.  She had no idea she would like him like this, she tells Andy, MC, Judd.  Mc says thats weird.  Amanda says she loves when MC wears pajama pants and a dress shirt, that is his style.

Amanda says in about 30 days you ar going to meet my parents to MC, and I will meet yours.  He says he doesn`t want to meet her parents.  It will be awkward.  She says they watched us fall in love on tv, and his parents will think she is a crazy bitch.  She wants to marry MC in Vegas.

BB gave the guests a Jenga game and Judd, Elissa and Andy are playing in the kitchen. They sing the Lion King song , until they are told to stop by BB.

GM has back pain.  SPencer asks why GM takes her tongue ring off for her diary room sessions.  She takes it off because it s a distraction.  Shes had it for ten years.  Amanda says to ask production for something for back pain, but GM dosn`t want to bother them, they will probably tell her to rest.

Amanda wants to name MCs penis Big Brother.  Aaryn says she gave Judd a striptease earlier.

GM and Judd are playing cards.

Aaryn thinks its ironic that she loved Rachel and is being evicted by her sister.  Aaryn is practicing her eviction speech.  Amanda says to add that Amanda was her mentor, and at least she is being evicted by a white person.  Amanda says one time she had Chinese food that had a band aid in it, and they gave her free ice cream for it.  Amanda says Helens fried rice tasted like butt hole.  They rate Candice as the best cook in the house.

Spencer, Aaryn, MC and Amanda talk about names for porn medias.  Aaryn thinks there could be a group that has a fetish for farts that is interested in GM.  Judd likes it when Aaryn bites his knees.  Judd says Candice was a walking porno.

Aaryn says David is a nice person, but doesn`t want a relationship with him.

Big Brother AFTER DARK 8/27/13 After Dark Summary / Recap


HGs talking about drinking games.  Elissa says they can practice with Gatorade.  Elissa has been a have not for 4 weeks. Andy thinks she has the record.

Aaryn is giving her views on porn and it goes against every view that she holds.  Spencer asks Andy if he would do straight porn, and starts talking about John Holms in the porn industry, and believes he got his head bashed in by a tripod and died.  Spencer brings up the movie As Good As it Gets, and left it on the DVR for Marilyn to watch.

Amanda requested ping pong balls for beer pong.

Judd tells Aaryn if she keeps cooking so good he is going to have to marry her.

Aaryn asks if cigarettes can be in an hoh basket, and they can`t.  Judd is talking about switching to Marboro lights.

GM is chasing Andy in the backyard.  BB production tells them to stop.

A helicopter flies overhead, and Gm says it displayed the Italian flag.  Spencer said it was a Mexican flag.

Amanda sets up the wine and beer pong cups.

Big Brother After Dark 8/25/13 & 8/26 Summary/Recap


MC  goes into the photo booth with GM pink hat., Aaryn goes into the photo booth next.  Judd goes in and poses with the frog from a prior comp.  GM goes in with a big flower on her head.  Aaryn goes back in with a beanie and crazy glasses and noise makers in her mouth.  GM and Judd go in with crazy outfits.

Amanda asked the diary room what was going on and they said they needed more pictures, which explains why the hgs are are going in the photo booth.

Andy says Elissa is not logical, because she wanted to put him up no matter what anyone said.  Judd says he trusts Andy and Spencer 100%, and if he goes up tomorrow will go home 100%.  Andy thinks MC and Amanda are going to try some funny business. Spencer says he processes things to find out information, and agrees that Elissa is not logical.  He thinks Elissa likes working with women.  Andy says he is the only person that was nice to Elissa in the beginning of the game, and it is like a slap in the face for her to nominate him.


Aaryn asks Judd why everyone wants her out so bad, is it because I win so many comps?  If she stays her first goal is to get Amanda and MC out.  Amanda and MC won`t vote for her no matter what, at least they are not lying to my face like they blindsided everyone else.  I have nobody except for GM.  I hope you and Spencer get a chance to talk one on one and consider it.  Judd says he has to look at weeks to come and not just this week.  Amanda tells Judd Andy is working with Amanda and MC, and we should have kept you.  Judd says I`m back now.

Aaryn looks at a pimple on Andys leg and wants to pop it.  GM says she has one on hers too.   Gm tells Judd she missed his dance and bear shirt.  Aaryn explains to Judd how sugar makes you fat, and fat makes you burn fat.  Sugar and bread casue body fat, but that is the most delicious stuff to eat.

GM and Elissa talking in the bathroom.  GM says her hair extensions are worth $2000 but she paid $750.   Elissa says if this was a regular season of bb we would only have 10 days left and we have 20 something left.  We need to stick together.  GM agrees.

Everyone but Amanda and MC hanging out at the spa talking.  Discussing if Candice was brown or black, someone asks if she was maloto, and Aaryn says that is a racist term.  Amanda corrects her and says it only means half black and half white and is not racist.

Amanda asks Judd what Helen said to him when they were on the wall for the baseball comp.  He says production won`t allow him to talk about it.  She tells him to just try, but he won`t.

Big Brother 8/24/13 After dark summary/ recap


Elissa tells Andy she doesn`t want to be here next week, due to Amanda`s actions.  Andy wants to know her thought process and who she will put up.  She says anyone is an option.  Andy says Helen told him before she left that she didn`t want Andy and Elissa to turn on each other.  Elissa says she doesn`t know who to trust.  Andy says he knows Amanda and MC are getting stronger every week and he is ready to strike against them.  Andy says he will vote Aaryn out.  He doesn`t want to turn against Elissa since he has been working with her from the beginning.

Spencer is complaining about the quality of the meat, it is sour.

Aaryn says she used to be an optimist, and thought Big Brother would be all sunshine and lolipops, and it is no.

Andy goes to Spencer to relay his recent conversation with Elissa.

Amanda talks about being 3 days pregnant and then got her period. Elissa is using personal information like this against her.

Aaryn says Elissa says its way cooler having Rachels sister in the house, so that she will not go home when on the block.

Amanda is saying Elissas husband is a hundred million years old and has only been married for 2 years, but her kid is 8 years old.  She should do things the right thing.  Herpes will come and go but that bad personality will stay forever.

Aaryn asks if Elissa went to college, Judd thins she went to cosmotology school.

GM is playing with a whoopie cusion, and says this is going to be a good week. She hides it in her bra.

Andy is upset that the zingbot called him a floater.  He hates the zingbot.

Elissa tells Spencer and Andy that she has not had plastic surgery like Amanada claims.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Big Brother 15 Summary /Recap 8/23/13


GM and Aaryn are talking in the havenot room.  Aaryn says she misses her mom a lot and didn`t get pictures of her family for hoh.  She doesn`t blame Elissa for putting her up because she put her up and her best friend.

Andy says Candice had the biggest beef with everyone and she was the nicest when comming back for the latest comp.

Aaryn talks to Judd and tells him she can`t expect anything from him because she did evict him, but for people that are there for her she will be loyal, and she did not want to evict him.

Andy says his head would have exploded if Candice won.  He thinks he gave the worst reaction to the  news of a houseguest returning.  Spencer and elissa talk about the Otev competition and the grease under their nails.  Andy says I am sure America is looking at your gross nails.  GMs hair and makeup drive her nuts, her hair was turning blue and her dark roots are showing.

Andy says Jessie made a comment about her butt during the comp.  GM says its true if you have a big but, it gets in the way with the wall behind.  GM says she would have had more room if her butt wasn`t sticking out.

GM asks what Spencer did to his head, and Andy says it looks like a Frankenstein scar.  It was just laying funny. Spencer said Helen was such a good sport when she came back to play the latest comp.

Andy says to pencer and Judd that Aaryn told him she heard that an*l sex causes your hole to retract and the poop to fall out, and he told her it wasn`t true.  Spencer says if he gets evicted he wants to pick up Mc or someone light and carry them out the door with him.  He wonders what would happen. They talk about Ronnie and he was geeky,had no personality, and Andy wanted to beat him with a shovel.

Amanda tells Elissa she is not taking any luxeries for the veto comp.MC is scared but she thinks she can calm him down, and we all have to be up there at some point.  Amanda says she is not fake and won`t change based on who has power.

Aaryn bit the inside of her mouth and says it is so swollen.

GM and Elissa are talking in hoh.  Elissa says Amanda told her that everyone thinks GM and Elissa are working together.  Amanda says GM is kissing Elissas bet.  GM says she treats everyone the same way.  Amanda wants GM to be target.  So Elissa tells GM not to trust Amanda and block out anything she says to you.  GM has seen Arryn and Amanda talking, and Aaryn told her the same thing.  Elissa tells GM that Aaryn doesn`t care about her and is sacraficing her over Amanda and MC.   GM says Amanda and MC uses Aaryn and others as a puppet.   Elissa says she will by an allay to GM she doesn`t have to be scared. GM says she has heard this from other people so it must be true.
GM talks about the medication that Aaryn and Amanda are taking.  She doesn`t understand it, as she takes nothing and doesn`t even need alcohol she has enough energy.  Elissa tells GM she has an amazing special personality.  It makes GMs whole day if she can make someone laugh and smile.

GM is not a 9 to 5 office person she is an odds and ends type.  Helen always said nice things to her.  Elissa says MC and Amanda bring you down. Gm would rather give stuff away, such as the Bahamas vacation to her parents.  Elissa says that is why you are on this show, because you are an amazing person.

Spencer says that Jessie said the reason Judd didn`t want her was because he couldn`t perform. Judd says that is the weirdest thing he ever heard in his life.

Judd says to Spencer that last week Judd is 90% sure that Jessie was masterbating herself with Candy in the room during a movie.  Due to the movement and the noise.  Aaryn says that is disgusting.  Judd was right next to her, but said Candice didn`t notice.  Spencer says why didn`t you help her out.  Judd says she despises me  Aaryn says it was probably an invitation.  She was sitting right next to him, so Aaryn says it was definitely an invitation.

GM admires Elissa and her sister.  Elissa tells GM any man would be lucky to have her.  GM wants to thank her even though she doesn`t see her she knows Elissa cares about them.   GM doesn`t understand Amandas tatoo, people that are real estate professionals typically don`t act like her.  GM wonders if she even likes MC or just wants camera time.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Big Brother After Dark Summary/ recap 8/22/13


Elissa is the new HOH, and MC and Amanda are talking about who she will put on.  Elissa wants Aaryn out.  Arryn says if GM wins she will take Aaryn off the block.

HGs hanging out in kitchen.  Judd has returned to the house.  GM asks it there was an X Box in the jury house, he says no.  Judd starts to talk about the jury house and BB says not to talk about production.

Today is gms birthday.  She talks about taking out the garbage and that its a mans job.

They are talking about the hoh comp, and how hard the balls were.  It almost hit GM in the face.  Judd says he took 4 pepto bismals today, he felt nausea all day.

GM likes the baseball jersey from the comp and wants to get her name put on it.  She asks should it be Zimmerman or zimmy or Gina Marie. Spencer and MC tell her Gina Marie becuase that is how people know you.  GM and Candice hugged and Candice wished her a happy birthday after she fell out of the comp.  GM says she is over it, and doesn`t like to fight.  She is not going to kiss ass to win a vote.  She wishes Nick was in jury to be with him, but she will see him on the outside.  MCsays he got zero balls and Andy got 1 from the comp.  GM says it doesn`t fell like her birthday without a cake. and Aaryn is making a cake for her.  She needs candles and says maybe we can use a cigarette.

Judd saw a tarantula outside the jur house. He also tells Andy that  Jessie has been pissed.  Andy tells Judd that he is loyal to the end and Judd swears he was never MVP.  Andy took a ball from the comp, and asks GM if she took one, and she says no, because she didn`t want to get yelled out.

Andy and Elissa are talking about different scenarios to nominate.  Elissa says whe will tell everyone to try for the veto or they are going home next week.  They need to try so Aaryn doesn`t win it.  If she sees someone not fight for the veto she will put them up.  Elissa and Andy make a 2 week deal.

Elissa tells MC she is thinking of putting MC up againsy Aaryn so that he will fight hard for the veto.    MC says he will end up going home.  Elissa says she is determined to get Aaryn out of here and will do whatever it takes.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Big Brother After Dark 8/21/13 Summary/ recap


Talking about what they want to do with the money.  Amanda says travel.  Spencer wants to by a good used vehicle for the local school.  Amanda and spencer wouldl help their parents.  Spencer wants to put new windows in his house, and buy another house.  Amanda would buy a condo, spencer a duplex.  Aaryn says she is moving out of her apartment as soon as she gets home.  Aaryn wants to hire a videographer.

Andy was called into the diary room 5 times today.  Amanda says probably becasue he is a swing vote.

Spencer picks his nose looks at it and flings it over the couch. He does again while talking to MC.
Amanda says she loves MCs farts, if you love someone you love the good and the bad.  Aaryn disagrees.  Amanda says Nick will be afraid to go to the finale, andy thinks he will go on a date with GM to humor her.  Aaryn asks how many chicks Jeremy has banged.  Amanda says alot.  She means since the show.  It was 23 before.  Spencer says he told him he  had sex with Kaitlin, by saying he brought her to plow town.  Marilyn doen`t like it when Spencer says bang.  Andy asks if every season there is sex in the bb house.  MC doesn`t think Shane and Danielle did.   Amanda thinks she is getting nastier each day she is here.  Andy says he is getting funnier.  Spencer thinks Danille got uglier as the season progressed.  Spencer says Marilyn would never take a naked pi of herself, and Spencer asked her many times.  She is very conservative.  Amanda says she also takes pics.  Amanda talks about how perfect MCs di*k is, and how large, she is a lucky girl.

Aaryn says it is so sad when Helen is up here looking for a miracle. It was really depressing. Aaryn says Amanda and MC should do a Big Brother porno.

Amanda and Aaryn talk about scissoring and demonstrate it for Spencer.  Aaryn tells her her leg is not in the right position.  Andys face is bright red, and MC is not looking, Amanda says he is freaked out.  Amanda says she likes to be pounded but not like a jack hammer.

Spencer said he had the most normal conversation with Elissa.  He said I've
been trying to get to know you.  She said his questions are weird.  He was asking about favorite cartoon characters and she likes to talk about seious things like missions.   Elissa says its hard to get to know me. Amanda says elissa can do no wrong.  Elissa mentioned Aaryn and how she is concerned with small things.  Amanda thinks Elissa is uncontrollably jealous of Aaryn, as she is more likeable, attractive, younger and a better competitor.  Amanda says Elissa and Helen talk for hours, and mostly Helen listens to Elissa talk about herself.  Andy cant wait for the moment that he knows Elissa is leaving and can say what he wants to.  There was a clean tampon in a jar of vaseline, and Elissa threw it out, which bothered Amanda as there was nothing wrong with the jar. MC says Elissa is a master at twisting things around.  Aaryn wants to know why she still brings up the racist issue.  Amanda says she has a vendetta against you.  It doesn`t make sense why she hates you so much.  Its definately jealously, Aaryn asks if it was becasue she was a Rachel superfan, but she isn`t anymore.  Aaryn had margarita parties to watch the weddings.  Amanda thinks there is a secret about Judd that they don`t know.  She thinks people loved Judd.  Aaryn thinks when she was seen as likeable by America, Elissa told her she may be MVP early on in the game.

Amanda asks Aaryn why she is being so paranoid.  She is afraid if Elissa gets voted out she will come back.  Andy thinks its unfair to have someone come back into the mix after they have played a meticuous game. She believes somebody is telling her everything that is being said, Elissa said she shoud be paid to be here, to deal with this.  MC thinks that is her own thinking and not something that she overheard.  Helen and Elissa made Aaryn cry, and they wanted to work with her and would never put her up on the block.  Your hohs mean nothing becasue they are not yours they are Amandas.

spencer wants to ask dr if gm can eat on her birthday tomorrow, something like a cupcake.  Helen says she can buy a week of groceries for $18 including rice, carrots, cucumbers, but bread is expensive.  Oreos and cereal make your grocery bill go out of control and buys it at target when it's on sale.  She'll spend a hundred dollars at Target.  She gets mad buying a coke for 2.50 and will bring her own coke in her purse that she bought from target.  They talk about Dollar tree being best for candy and cards.

Helen talks about a good baby shower game on line they send 12 sonograms of baby parts and you need to guess the parts.  Amanda wants a candy table at her wedding around the cake.

Amanda compares being in the house to camp, where you have no bills to pay and no worries

Spencer compares being in the house to prison, and Amanda says she wants to be in prison.

Big Brother After Dark Summary/ Recap 8/20/13


Spencer says GM cut herself, and says to Andy it was probably with the plastic knife.  Andy says he knows what her facebook would look like, each photo would have 96 links.  Spencer says she would be all dolled up on a date and the next day you saw her they would be is your room mate here. Andy says he has had good conversations with Helen, they have a good connection and he likes her.

MC says since Helen is from Virgina she could be a CIA agent.  Spencer says Helen works for oil and gas company and is a lobyist, she is savy and thats a cool job.

Amanda is fixing her hair,  she tells MC she wants to look pretty for her man, and he says you always look hot.

Aaryn made mashed potatoes. GM taught her how.

Talking about first impressions.  Aaryn says blond hair blue eyes is not what she thinks of for Staten Island for GM,  Andy says Spencer has tough exterior but has a good heart.  Helen doesn't feel the 15 year age game with Aaryn. Helen thinks Andy would be goofy and cheery.  Aaryn expected MC to be more of a hipster, because he dresses cool.  Amanda thought MC would be nerdy, but he turned out to be the least nerdy person she knows.  Helen says MC is not one to start the conversation, but he is happy to talk when approached.  Aaryn thought Amanda was pretty and didn`t
think she would be open, and thought she would be on a high horse, but she is actually funny and down to earth.

Helen sees Jeremy and David as rico savy. Helen didn`t expect the theater background from Amanda.

Elissa is doing yoga in the backyard. Helen asks what Spencer will do if he wins HOH next week.  Elissa says he would put me and Aaryn up.  Helen thinks Andy is with them.  He is with everyone.

Helen says she heard that Judd didn`t want them in the jury.  Helen says I hope I never see you there.

Andy says his strategy was to know where everyone was at all times.  Amanda says she never knows where anyone is.

Amanda says she needs to start wearing makeup.  She is the only girl in the house that is not wearing makeup.  Andy talks about GM farting.

GM and Amanda now at the hot tub, while GM eats her bowl of slop there, and says she hates it.  Aaryn says the food she requested as HOH is making her sick. It is comfort food from her childhood.  She doesn`t buy that stuff anymore.

Amanda wants to wax MCs eyebrows, but he says no.

Spencer says Marilyn is very maternal.  He works for Union Pacific railroad, and talks about an instructor that he hated.  Andy rides a UP train.

Elyssa says there are people in this house that don`t know who Don Johnson is.  Andy says is she blonde, Amanda?  Andy says if you take her brunette hair and her gray hair it makes blonde.  Amanda overhears and says are you talking about me, and comes in a lifts up Elissa and carries her across   the room.

Andy says how does it feel to be the Remmy of the season.  Elissa says the twist is I am Remmy`s mother.  Spencer asks if Elissa can do impressions of famous people. She said she was invited to Second City to do them.  She says Andy is a liar he follows her around trying to kick her in the shins

Spencer asks Elissa if she had a lot of group friends or 1 best friend, and she says a best friend.  Andy says he shot someone when he was 8.  Elissa tells him she hopes no children are watching this and not to take him seriously.  Elissa talks about the cute thinks her child does.  He likes to sing and thinks he is a rapper,. He rapps ad dances.  She talks about home schooling.

GM says her looks are a 7, and Helen says 6 or 7 when asked by bb to evaluate themselves. Helen says GMs personality is a 10, and when she saw her at finals she was the prettiest one there.  America will be blown over. Helen says it will be entertaining to see her on tv.

Andy put clownie in the fridge and put something in his mouth.  Amanda says he has a dirty mind.  Aaryn says this is the 5th tie he hsa done something to clownie.

GM and MC asking where the mom squad is (Helen and Elissa).  probably the have not room didn`t want to be the sweet girl that was used as a pawn coming into the game.


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Big Brother 15 After Dark summary/ recap 8/19/13


Amanda tells mc he has a huge support system and she doesn`t.  it sucks that someone will talk about you and you can`t do anything about it. Amanda says she is not evil like Evil Dick. Amanda  says she is not playing this is who she is.  MC says there is no way people will keep him.  Spencer and others know Amanda is bigger target and can beat her.  MC wants anyone but Elissa to win next hoh.

Aaryn asks mc if his pizza place makes the pizza with chicken nuggets on them, he says no.  Aaryn says her local pizza place calls this the stoner pie, it also has french fries and mac and cheese on it.
Everyone is un the itchen except for Andy.

They are talking aboyt being environmental, but yet people especially GM uses alot of paper towels.  Spencer is doing shouts out and they tell him to stop.

Helen sats she never watched live feeds or after dark.

aaryn tells a story about her dad in college, when he took a new girl out on a date/hookup. a guy walks into living room lays a newspaper on the ground and takes a sh*t

helen talks to Andy and tells about the talk with MC where she said she wont out the alliance.  If they vote her out Elissa won`t vote for them, and neither will she.  she tells Andy she cares for him deeply as well as MC.  She thinks he is afraid of Amanda. She feels Aaryn wants Spencer out.

elissa whispering to Helen she hopes GM stays mad at her and that she wins hoh and can put her and her friend Aaryn up on the block.

GM and MC asking where the mom squad is (Helen and Elissa).  probably the have not room Spencer says.  MC says they are the good guys (referring to Helens speech to him).

Aaryn talking about all the luxuries that Mike Boogie took in his season.  Elissa says she is deathly allergic to the slop. Elissa asks Spencer to use one of his floss picks.  Elissa says the floss bb gives them is gross.

GM and Aaryn want to do re-enactments from the season for her birthday.  Aaryns most embaressing moment was when she was crying after David got voted off

Helen says it was a mad house un the beginning when there were 8 more people.  GM ask difference between milk and dark chocolate.  Andy says less cream and sugar in dark and is more bitter.  GM says dark chocolate is better for you. GM is having trouble saying the word Seltzer. Spencer is having GM say a tongue twister I like salsa flavored seltzer.  Spencer tells a story about Marilyn farting in school, and everyone would walk by in the halls and make farting noises at her.  

Bud is 5% alcohol and lite is 3.2 according to Aaryn.  They all than Big brother for the beer and wine provided.  

Monday, August 19, 2013

Big Brother After Dark Summary/ Recap 8/18/13


MC says he doesnt want to win final 5 hoh, he wants to be for final 4.  spencer, MC and Amand, and Aaryn are hanging out in the hoh room.  Spencer says every slop creation takes over a dozen dishes to cook with. Spencer says Helen told him she loved hin and respected him.  Helen is in the kitchen cooking muffins.  If Spencer goes up on the block he will be tied for the record at 6 times.  Aaryn tied Janelle for HOH at 4.

Aaryn says her birthday is comming up on sept 3.

MC tells Amanda alll the other hohs didnt matter, but the upcomming one will, and one of them needs to win it.  They are sitting outside in the backyard. Amanda says she is so bored and going stir crazy.  MC says he is not bored.

GM and Aaryn are laughing in hoh. They are watching the spy cam.  Aaryn tells her the game Amanda talks to them is real.  She doesnt want Elissa or Spencer to stay longer than her. The only people that deserve to win are GM and Amanda. She loves Andy and he is only doing well because he is gay, and the girls and guys arent threatened by him.  He plays a good social game.  He ate all her food in hoh, and took everything she said and told it to the other side. GM says she wants  Aaryn to be her maid of honor at hers and Nicks wedding.

elissa and Helen are in the hot tub.  elissa says she doesn`t think America likes the based on the food chosen for the havenots.  She doesn`t like the cast.  There were no good looking men this year, except for Howard who had a good body, and she thinks Amanda is lying about what he said.  Helen thinks its true.  helen doesn`t think mc is going after them.  Elissa says everyone that has gone out has had something against Amanda and she is calling the shots.

Aaryn comes by the hot tub, and shares a sad story that was life changing.  Helen and Elissa had no idea.  One second can change your life.  (bb did not air the story, it was a commercial).  It was something about David.  Helen calls out David Im so sorry.  It is so unbelievalbe, he went through such a traumatic event in his life.  Comming on BB, people will think about other things about him, and maybe thats why he came on the show.  If he had told them he probably wouldn`t have gone out first.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Big Brother After Dark Summary / recap 8/17/13


Andy says Elissa was a beast during the veto competition.  Elissa won the comp.

Helen says Otev is veto spelled backwards to Elissa.  Helennsays this and the have not comps were amazing.

Andy tells Amanda that Helen seemed happy Elissa one, as she believes Spencer will be put up and go home.  Andy says he did not throw the comp. Amanda says that Helen told Mc that Amanda is keeping Aaryn in the house to get rid of mc.  Amanda doesn't want to talk any more game this week.

Spencer says to Amanda he is glad to go up as a pawn.  Andy and Aaryn tell him he is safe.

Elissa stepped on Aaron's hand during the comp.  Amanda says Elissa was ruthless.  Aaryn said it was fun until she got attacked.  They had to search for items with various hg names and bring them back to Otev.  Aaryn is worried if Elissa wins hoh that Elissa will put her up.

Spencer cut his leg during the comp.

Helen tells Gm that at some point her and Aaryn will be up and if it was a choice between them she would save Gm.  They need to work together to stop Elissa and Aaryn from arguing.  They are the middlemen.  They could get far working together.

Aaryn tells,Amanda that Gm would rather have Spencer gone this week but will do what I want.

Spencer and Amanda saying Helen and Eissa  think they are better than anyone else.  Aaryn thinks Helen assumed she was going to make it to final two and was less worried about her friendship with Elissa than losing a potential vote in jury.  Aaryn had respect for everyone, but hates what Helen is doing with Gm by trying to get her vote.

Amanda tells Aaryn that she looks like Janell in one of her hoh pics.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Big Brother After Dark 8/16/13 summary/ recap


Aaryn has nominated Helen and Elissa.

Spencer, Amanda talking about the latest have not comp.

Aaryn and Gm talking about mc throwing the hoh comp. so that Amanda could win .  (Aaryn ended up winning).   Gm says Elissa didnt even try on last have not comp.  

Andy says he had a sex dream about someone in the house. (He previously told this story, I believe it was Nick). Spencer starts to talk about the first sex dream he ever had. 

Andy and spencer guessing when the zingbot will appear.

Gm says she hasn't played in a veto since her hoh.

Spencer and Gm talking about what they would give up in the next comp, he asks her if she would shave her he's and she says no. They then talk about kidney stones and how much pain they cause.  

Amanda and Elissa taking about the chance that Elissa doesn't go to jury.  Amanda tells her America would vote and she says how so you know.  Amanda tells her they did it for Sheema in a prior season.   Amanda tells her she should do what she needs to do.  Elissa feels there is no chance she will make it to final two.  Amanda says nobody knows who will make it to final, it depends on comps.  Amanda says cross that bridge when you come to it, you're not in jury yet.

Andy says Elissa is so vague about information.

Andy is listening to hoh cd of Carrie Underwood, he has it so loud you can hear the song blown away, Amanda comments he likes that song so much he has played it 5 times.

Aaryn didn't like the way Jerry a 70 year old man was treated on the show, and same thing with chicken George, where someone called him an old man.

Big a brother 15 After Dark summary/ Recap 8/15/13


Aaryn won 5 comps in a half a season Helen says to Mc, and Elissa,  which is insane she performs well under pressure. They are trying to figure out who Aaryn will nominate. Helen wants to talk to Aaryn ,but doesnt want her to think she is managing her.  Aaryn has done a lot for like the Judd thing.

Amanda and Helen talking  about the possibility if Elissa goes home and said she doesn't want go to jury, and will go home. She is depressed. If she goes home she won't be eligible for $25,000 America's player award.

Aaryn has put Spencer up three times.  Andy says spencer provably doenst get much air time since all he does is do shout outs when  he is not suppose to.

Aaryn gets the key to her hoh room.  She gets the usual food basket, a new purple shirt, and a pink blanket, mud masks

Aaryn looks at  her hoh pictures and said she looks like she was an angry kid. G M tells Aaryn that she looks skinnier now than in the picture.

Helen is trying to defend Elissa to Gm, saying she was stressed about not winning any comps.  Gm says she has no money and lives with her parents, but Elissa should be mad at herself and not other people. Gm said what do I smell bad and she can't sit next to me.  Not even Donald Trump is better than me.  I'm proud of what I have and what I do.  As easy as money comes it goes, she has no idea how good she has it.  Aaryn says it is insulting to be be ignored, after keeping Elissa save that is how she repays me.  Gm what's to know why Elissa is on the show.  Helen says she is a huge fan of the show and thought it would be fun.  Elissa misses her husband and not a comp champ like Rachel.
Rachel didnt want to sit next to Aaryn or Gm on the couch, and Amanda tells gm that she does have some nasty farts.  Gm says it wasnt nice what Elissa did.

Amanda says that her ring was given to her by her ex boyfriend and that was the ring that mc put in her finger during their bb wedding, mc said he didn't care.  Spencer said if he spends a hundred dollars on a necklace he better get a good b-job.

Aaryn says she like the song 2 black Cadilacs by the Dixie chicks.  Andy, spencer talks about Christmas songs they like. Marin likes Jessica Simpsons Christmas cd.  Aaryn doesn't buy CDs, she uses her iPod.  Mc still buys CDs.

Helen tells Elissa how she defended her to Aaryn and they are both pretty sure that Aaryn is going to nominate them. Elissa misses her son and won't be there for his first day of third grade.  Helen says you don't want your son to think you are a quitter, and  talk to Aaryn.

Helen is crying because if Elissa leaves she won't have any votes.  Elissa wants to self evict and not go to jury.  Aaryn says Elissa  doesn't care about the money and she needs every penny of it. Elissa won't care about any of them after they leave.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Big Brother After Dark summary recap 8/14/13


Andy is getting his face made up by Aaryn.

Amanda asks mc what is wrong, he says nothing. He mentions he has a unicycle, and wants to play with it.

Amanda says Andy looks like something from rocky Horror picture show.  He says it kind of freaks him out too. Aaryn is going to let him do her  makeup now.

Amanda asks mc if she can put makeup on him and he says no.

Andy applies makeup to Aaryn and she looks like a clown.

Elissa yells out she wants to be on Survivor and the Amazing Race, or start a cbs yoga boot camp.

Big Brother tells Amanda to take the makeup off for her diary session and spread the message that they don't want anyone looking crazy for their dr sessions.

Amanda says she and mc will do Amazing Race.  Mc says they will kill each other on the show.

Andy does gms makeup. Gm jumps,on top on spencer and tries to kiss him.  He looks annoyed and says please stop I have a girl at home.  Spencer says it's the most action he's got in 60 days and from a statin island clown.  He has lipstick marks on his forehead.

Jessie and Aaryn arguing about Jessie's past scheming, and backdoor plans.  She went from hating Candice to being besties with her Aaryn says.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Big Brother After Dark 8/13/13


Mc talking about comments that were said about pills from Elissa tomAmanda.

Helen measures MC's finger, so she can make a ring, and says it will be 1 hour before the wedding.

Spencer believes someone his screenwriting teacher stole his script that he wrote called knocked up

Andy talks about a terrible driving school teacher he had.

Mc wants to find a way to get Jessie's cigarettes when she leaves.

Elissa custom made her husbands ring with 22 diamonds because they met on the 22nd.  She is doing Amanda as hair for the wedding.  Helen tells her that her hair is amazing.

Helen says her husband lost his wedding ring on the third day of their honeymoon.

Amanda now has her white toga dress on. Mc has on what looks like a mechanics outfit a grey jumpsuit.

Andy looks like a vampire, with a black cape.

Andy officiated the wedding reading passages from the bible.  He states they met 54 days ago, and been through rough patches watching Jeremy drink all the chocolate milk, worries over Howard's schemes. They have loved each other , give a round of applause for the second best couple (Aaryn and David the first). Amanda vows to stay thru have and have not, showers hot and old, nip and nut slips, and to one day be your wife outside this house.  Mc I'm a crazy pizza boy from mn and a crazy Jewish girl from Bocca there's been ups and downs, ill alway be there for you, and love you.  My friends say go with your heart.  Andy pronounces them married.  Helen acts as mother of mc and welcomes Amanda to the family.  She gives them bb sand, and they pour into unity sand, and may they be the best showmance in bb history, and mc steps on the glass (or paper cup).

Andy tells mc if he needs pointers for what to do own wedding night don't ask him, he's only had sex with men.

Big Brother After Dark 8/12/13


Mc is reading the bible to Amanda.

Aaryn telling Gm spencer is so fake, while painting her toenails.  Gm has been doing gel for so long her nails are orange.  She peels the gel off instead of soaking it which she thinks is causing the problem.  After seeing Judd's bumping action she said he must be so bad in bed she tells Andy. They are call him mrs juddfire.

Mc is talking about why god had to come down and talk to Abraham, and gave Moses the burning bush.  Amanda said maybe it was to show how serious he was.

Mc thinks Elissa is mad at him.  Amanda says to complement her  to get on her good side. He talks about survivor and how they had to eat rats.

Elissa is in the jacuzzi talking to Jessie who is dangling her feet.  Elissa compliments her on her sweatshirt. Jessie asks if there are naked pics of Rachel on the Internet.  Elissa doesn't search for that stuff, and she should ask Aaryn who searches for that. They both say they have had a few accidental slips.  Elissa says the camera should focus on Amanda because she is comfortable showing her thong. Jessie saw gms tongue piercing, and has 6 altogether.

Spencer and Helen are playing pool

Mc talking about his goodbye message to Jessie, he said the same to both that he is always in their corner.

Mc asks Andy if there were any other red heads in big brother, he replies Rachel.  Mc keeps fartimg.
Andy thinks its cool that they all know each other from all parts of the country.  Spencer says mostly from Texas.  Amanda says three from NY.

Aaryn says Sencer is driving her crazy, running around like he owns the place, and isn't worried about anything. She wants him out next week, but doesn't think he is coming after her.

Andy asks Gm how she feels about Candace and calls her a crack whore baby or maybe a test tube baby.  Spencer says I don't think many test tube babies are put up for adoption. Andy leaves to go check for alchol.  Gm says cany left some dirty drawers her that I wouldn't even touch with a stick.  She pulls them out to show Amanda and mc and spencer.  They call them granny panties.  Andy says Kaitlin was an odd person.  They think she was bipolar and it seems like her family didnt want her, it was something big that happened and was in all the papers and made national news.

Helen and Jessie are arguing about Jessie's intentions in the past to flip the house and put up Amanda.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Big Brother 15 After Dark Summary /recap 8/11/13


Elissa is telling Helen the unitard is bad luck and nobody has won the game that has worn it.

Amanda and Macrea are mumbling in bed.

Spencer and andy are in the hammock.  Andy says the have not room is a good nap room. andy thought Howard was a mastermind that was trying to get him out, and spencer assured him he wasn't.
Spencer thought he would miss Howard, but he got so close to Candice at the end he hardly spoke to him. Andy thinks with the numbers down he has a better chance of winning comps now. Spencer says it will be hard to beat mc in endurance.  Andy wonders how America feels about Gm. Spencer thinks she will be likeable  and America will think she is funny.  Amanda can come across as a bitch, and Jessie is cute and confused, she is adorable but doesn't have enough substance.  She asked him what he would do if a guy put his hands on Marilyn's ass.  Her ex boyfriend didnt do anything about when it happened to her.

Spencer is playing with one of Jessie's socks that she put rice in to make a hackysack.

Tomorrow is mc and Amanda's wedding. Andy said he would give them hoh room but he is selfish.  Aaryn says she will  make the veil.  Andy wants to play hot potato.  Aaryn wants to play with a real hot potato.

Jessie tells aaron she was hurt by the things Judd said about her. Aaryn says she doesn't know where his loyalty was, and doesn't think it was with anyone.

House guests are playing hot potato.

They are now playing Simon says.