Sunday, August 18, 2013

Big Brother After Dark Summary / recap 8/17/13


Andy says Elissa was a beast during the veto competition.  Elissa won the comp.

Helen says Otev is veto spelled backwards to Elissa.  Helennsays this and the have not comps were amazing.

Andy tells Amanda that Helen seemed happy Elissa one, as she believes Spencer will be put up and go home.  Andy says he did not throw the comp. Amanda says that Helen told Mc that Amanda is keeping Aaryn in the house to get rid of mc.  Amanda doesn't want to talk any more game this week.

Spencer says to Amanda he is glad to go up as a pawn.  Andy and Aaryn tell him he is safe.

Elissa stepped on Aaron's hand during the comp.  Amanda says Elissa was ruthless.  Aaryn said it was fun until she got attacked.  They had to search for items with various hg names and bring them back to Otev.  Aaryn is worried if Elissa wins hoh that Elissa will put her up.

Spencer cut his leg during the comp.

Helen tells Gm that at some point her and Aaryn will be up and if it was a choice between them she would save Gm.  They need to work together to stop Elissa and Aaryn from arguing.  They are the middlemen.  They could get far working together.

Aaryn tells,Amanda that Gm would rather have Spencer gone this week but will do what I want.

Spencer and Amanda saying Helen and Eissa  think they are better than anyone else.  Aaryn thinks Helen assumed she was going to make it to final two and was less worried about her friendship with Elissa than losing a potential vote in jury.  Aaryn had respect for everyone, but hates what Helen is doing with Gm by trying to get her vote.

Amanda tells Aaryn that she looks like Janell in one of her hoh pics.

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