Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Big Brother After Dark summary / recap 8/5/13


Amanda doesn't want a dress up bachelor party Aaryn tells Gina Marie, and they are not sure if it will be tomorrow.  Aaryn is jealous of how well gms hair dye job came out.  Andy tells Aaryn if Jessie would just shut up she could get in everyone's good graces again.  Jessie was in the hot tub earlier telling Aaryn she doesn't want to work with her.

Candice says she had the scariest serial killer dream today.  Elissa says maybe its because Spencer was doing his creepy voices.

Aaryn is saying to Gm she has gotten so fat in is house.  She needs to do lunges or squats.  She starts to do squats in the hoh bathroom.

Gm gets more compliments on her hair from Andy and Elissa.

Elissa says she has the showmane of the century with Andy a confused man and herself a married woman.

Spencer heard a rumor that there is some bad marrijuana joint around in the us, and American can mail it to him in Arkansas to test it for them.

Jessie and spencer talking about how good the Tudors show is.

Candice asks Judd and spencer what the difference is between cigarette brands.  Spencer says it is cheaper tobacco. Jessie joins in and says camels are the most expensive.  Candice says she wants them all to stop smoking.  Her dad died from smoking.  Jessie is scared of throat cancer more so than lung cancer.

Aaryn tells Gm that she doesn't pay attention and sometimes has to repeat things 17 times.  Gm doesn't know she does this.

Andy tells Elissa they will have to backdoor mc next week and than Amanda will have a breakdown. Elissa says she is jealous of how spencer looks at Andy.

Judd asks Jessie what she drives, she says a 2001 silver Jetta.  Spencer has an 03 silver Tacoma.  Jessie tells a story of running out of gas and couldn't pull over, a car came up over he hill and rammed into the back of her car.  She had gotten out of the car because she thought it might happen.  She loves her Jetta now and has 4 more years to pay it off.

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