Friday, August 9, 2013

Big Brother After Dark Recap/ Summary 8/7/13


GM says her family will laugh at her.  Did you see all the fights Candice had with Spencer Aaryn and me, do you see why I put her up. 

Jessie says she was dancing all alone.  There is an hour when they are not on live feed, and its her perogative to use the time how she wants. 

Jessie heard Aaryn say if Jessie is missing home, she will be going home soon next week anyway, and everyone was laughing.  She is back to her all tricks.  Helen said did she ever change.  Helen heard that Jessie is saying that Helen doesn't need the money, and tells them that she already talked to Jessie about that.  Jessie feels that she is not being protected and was promised protection.

Elissa says Aaryn is on adderall which is making her good at competitions, because you can stay focused.  Ivy league schools won't let the students take it, becasue it is an unfair advantage. Its similiar to steroids.  It makes you retain knowledge like crazy, its like a super drug Jessie says.  Jessie says Amanda and MC are protecting Aaryn now.   Elissa says this is a normal size house now, can you imagine starting out like this, we did a lot of work already.  (she's referring to the large cast size this year).

Helen hopes HOH is question and answer.  Jessie says Judd is pulling away from her.  He is always together with Aaryn now.

Spencer says Jessie is trying to drive a wedge, and says that Amanda and MC want to put Spencer up.  Amander tells him he is not going home. 

GM says her hair is her worlk, it is her thing.  She is happy and is thanking Elissa for doing her her. 

By monday GM said her food was all gone.  Amanda said it went fast this week because there were no have nots. 

Aaryn says Jessie and Candice are bonding because they are both rejects.  She assures Amanda that she is staying.  Jessie is the only one that wants her to go.  It is pointless to feel safe in this house.  She thinks her and Amanda are in a good spot.  Amanda is counting votes thinking 3-3.  She knows Helen and Elissa will not vote against her.  1 for Spencer.  Aaryn was defensive because she doesn't think Amanda trusts her.  GM says Aaryn gets weird about game, and thats why she snaps at her sometimes.  Amanda says she hasn't talked any game this week.  GM will stick to her decision and not even god can change it.  GM says people like each other more now and people hate each other more now.

Amanda tells Spencer if the votes go wrong, Amanda will blame her. 

Judd tells Elissa that that is his favorite look of hers.  She says with my glasses, and he says yes. 

MC tells GM that Aaryn scares him.  GM says she scares me too.  There are certain things she can't tell her, and Judd calls her the Texas tornado because she stirs up trouble.

Amanda and Aaryn are talking about the possibility of a double evicition.  Aaryn says she knows how it feels to be on the block and understands why Amanda is paranoid.   Amanda doesn't know who put her up the last 2 weeks, its pretty shady to not announce who they are. Aaryn thinks MVP will go away with double eviction this week. Amanda apologizes for letting Aaryn think she will flip on her.  Aaryn wonders why people are being nice to her, and if they are using her.  She thinks Spencer, Judd, Candice and Jessie are the liars in the house.  Spencer admitted to making up the mad hatter incident, and she felt like an idiot.

Amanda asks MC if he put deoderant on.  He says he just took a shower.  GM offers to give him deoderant,  GMsays she likes mens deoderant,  MC says he likes womans deoderant.

Aaryn though Andy had Nair on his face, and he says it was a facemask.  She freaked out becasue it was on his eyebrows, and eyelashes.

Jessie asks Spencer if he knows Jasons deli, and how would he describe it.  He says they have a good potatoe.  Jessie is describing a sandwich from there.

Spencer says he used to be handsome with long blond hair and no beard.  His hair started falling out in sophmore year in college.  He thought he would grow his hair to look like Thor and ended up looking like Benjamin Franklin. Helen asks if he will grow it long again, and he says yes. Once your 50 its cool to have long hair again.

Andy says he had long hair in 5th grade and looked like an ugly girl.  He recently put it on facebook and got 200 likes on it.

Spencer said he spent many years lusting after Christina Applegate. He was upset that Elizabeth Shoo was snubbed for best actress. 

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