Thursday, August 22, 2013

Big Brother After Dark 8/21/13 Summary/ recap


Talking about what they want to do with the money.  Amanda says travel.  Spencer wants to by a good used vehicle for the local school.  Amanda and spencer wouldl help their parents.  Spencer wants to put new windows in his house, and buy another house.  Amanda would buy a condo, spencer a duplex.  Aaryn says she is moving out of her apartment as soon as she gets home.  Aaryn wants to hire a videographer.

Andy was called into the diary room 5 times today.  Amanda says probably becasue he is a swing vote.

Spencer picks his nose looks at it and flings it over the couch. He does again while talking to MC.
Amanda says she loves MCs farts, if you love someone you love the good and the bad.  Aaryn disagrees.  Amanda says Nick will be afraid to go to the finale, andy thinks he will go on a date with GM to humor her.  Aaryn asks how many chicks Jeremy has banged.  Amanda says alot.  She means since the show.  It was 23 before.  Spencer says he told him he  had sex with Kaitlin, by saying he brought her to plow town.  Marilyn doen`t like it when Spencer says bang.  Andy asks if every season there is sex in the bb house.  MC doesn`t think Shane and Danielle did.   Amanda thinks she is getting nastier each day she is here.  Andy says he is getting funnier.  Spencer thinks Danille got uglier as the season progressed.  Spencer says Marilyn would never take a naked pi of herself, and Spencer asked her many times.  She is very conservative.  Amanda says she also takes pics.  Amanda talks about how perfect MCs di*k is, and how large, she is a lucky girl.

Aaryn says it is so sad when Helen is up here looking for a miracle. It was really depressing. Aaryn says Amanda and MC should do a Big Brother porno.

Amanda and Aaryn talk about scissoring and demonstrate it for Spencer.  Aaryn tells her her leg is not in the right position.  Andys face is bright red, and MC is not looking, Amanda says he is freaked out.  Amanda says she likes to be pounded but not like a jack hammer.

Spencer said he had the most normal conversation with Elissa.  He said I've
been trying to get to know you.  She said his questions are weird.  He was asking about favorite cartoon characters and she likes to talk about seious things like missions.   Elissa says its hard to get to know me. Amanda says elissa can do no wrong.  Elissa mentioned Aaryn and how she is concerned with small things.  Amanda thinks Elissa is uncontrollably jealous of Aaryn, as she is more likeable, attractive, younger and a better competitor.  Amanda says Elissa and Helen talk for hours, and mostly Helen listens to Elissa talk about herself.  Andy cant wait for the moment that he knows Elissa is leaving and can say what he wants to.  There was a clean tampon in a jar of vaseline, and Elissa threw it out, which bothered Amanda as there was nothing wrong with the jar. MC says Elissa is a master at twisting things around.  Aaryn wants to know why she still brings up the racist issue.  Amanda says she has a vendetta against you.  It doesn`t make sense why she hates you so much.  Its definately jealously, Aaryn asks if it was becasue she was a Rachel superfan, but she isn`t anymore.  Aaryn had margarita parties to watch the weddings.  Amanda thinks there is a secret about Judd that they don`t know.  She thinks people loved Judd.  Aaryn thinks when she was seen as likeable by America, Elissa told her she may be MVP early on in the game.

Amanda asks Aaryn why she is being so paranoid.  She is afraid if Elissa gets voted out she will come back.  Andy thinks its unfair to have someone come back into the mix after they have played a meticuous game. She believes somebody is telling her everything that is being said, Elissa said she shoud be paid to be here, to deal with this.  MC thinks that is her own thinking and not something that she overheard.  Helen and Elissa made Aaryn cry, and they wanted to work with her and would never put her up on the block.  Your hohs mean nothing becasue they are not yours they are Amandas.

spencer wants to ask dr if gm can eat on her birthday tomorrow, something like a cupcake.  Helen says she can buy a week of groceries for $18 including rice, carrots, cucumbers, but bread is expensive.  Oreos and cereal make your grocery bill go out of control and buys it at target when it's on sale.  She'll spend a hundred dollars at Target.  She gets mad buying a coke for 2.50 and will bring her own coke in her purse that she bought from target.  They talk about Dollar tree being best for candy and cards.

Helen talks about a good baby shower game on line they send 12 sonograms of baby parts and you need to guess the parts.  Amanda wants a candy table at her wedding around the cake.

Amanda compares being in the house to camp, where you have no bills to pay and no worries

Spencer compares being in the house to prison, and Amanda says she wants to be in prison.

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