Thursday, August 15, 2013

Big Brother After Dark 8/13/13


Mc talking about comments that were said about pills from Elissa tomAmanda.

Helen measures MC's finger, so she can make a ring, and says it will be 1 hour before the wedding.

Spencer believes someone his screenwriting teacher stole his script that he wrote called knocked up

Andy talks about a terrible driving school teacher he had.

Mc wants to find a way to get Jessie's cigarettes when she leaves.

Elissa custom made her husbands ring with 22 diamonds because they met on the 22nd.  She is doing Amanda as hair for the wedding.  Helen tells her that her hair is amazing.

Helen says her husband lost his wedding ring on the third day of their honeymoon.

Amanda now has her white toga dress on. Mc has on what looks like a mechanics outfit a grey jumpsuit.

Andy looks like a vampire, with a black cape.

Andy officiated the wedding reading passages from the bible.  He states they met 54 days ago, and been through rough patches watching Jeremy drink all the chocolate milk, worries over Howard's schemes. They have loved each other , give a round of applause for the second best couple (Aaryn and David the first). Amanda vows to stay thru have and have not, showers hot and old, nip and nut slips, and to one day be your wife outside this house.  Mc I'm a crazy pizza boy from mn and a crazy Jewish girl from Bocca there's been ups and downs, ill alway be there for you, and love you.  My friends say go with your heart.  Andy pronounces them married.  Helen acts as mother of mc and welcomes Amanda to the family.  She gives them bb sand, and they pour into unity sand, and may they be the best showmance in bb history, and mc steps on the glass (or paper cup).

Andy tells mc if he needs pointers for what to do own wedding night don't ask him, he's only had sex with men.

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