Friday, September 6, 2013

Big Brother After Dark Summary/ recap 9/5/13


All is quiet in the house.  Andy is alone in the kitchen playing solitare.

Andy walks into bathroom where MC is washing his hand, and tells him After Dark is getting a great show of me playing solitare.  MC tells him to jerk off, and goes outside. The double evictionhas occurred   earlier this evening where Amanda and Elissa have been sent to the jury.

Judd enters and Andy tells him he sucked at the veto, and mentions the exciting show he is putting on for After Dark.  Andy says he can`t believe they pulled this off, and Amanda was shocked.  It made it so worth it.  Judd excuses himself to go pick his nose.

Spencer, Gina, Judd and Andy are now in the kitchen talking about the veto comp.  It sounds like it involved partial pictures of the houseguests.

Spencer won the hoh and requested Bud Lights.  There was 1 award and 3 gifts or punishments.  Details will follow from production.

Judd is singing Elissa is gone.  Spencer does a happy dance.

Spencer yells out to Marilyn- Are you watching After Dark I won HOH.  I miss you. He is worried that she didn`t sign a release and may not get a picture of her.  Day 77 is Spencer's best day.

Andy tells Spencer we did it I have chills. Spencer tells him you are going to final 4 with me.

Andy says Helen will be happy to see Amanda, and Aaryn will be happy to see Elissa in the jury.
Judd says it is the biggest jury of women.  Spencer says its 6 women in the jury.  1 more would be a normal full jury.  If there is money involved SPencer says he will decide between GM and Andy, since Judd and Spencer won money already or keep it for himself.  Spencer says can you imagine if it was Candice here instead of GM, but she did make a good fried chicken.

Spencer thought Elissa was going to pull out a coup d`etat.  Spencer says Jeremy was the same height as George Washington at 6 feet 5.  He tells a story about George Washington falling out of a canoe and Daniel saved his life.  Daniel killed some people in the woods for no reason and George said I will never tell anyone.  GM asks who was president before him.  Andy says he was the first president

Spencer wonders if in his hoh room there will be a picture of him from Halloween dressed up as the tin man.  It would be weird for them to see a pic of him without his beard.

Andy is pretty sure America was MVP and voted Elissa out.  GM wonders why they would vote her out, and Andy says it was only week three, and probably because of your association with Kaitlin.

GM says she is the only girl in the house. Andy apologies for the way he voted, and it was nothing against her.
Judd says there is more alcohol for them now with Elissa and Amanda gone, and since GM doesn`t drink  Andy talks about how bad he has been at all the comps lately.  Andy complains about production telling him to stop spelling his name with the playdough.  He also talks about Beanie Babies and some people had tag protectors, but he said he wanted to play with his beanie babies Andy asks if anyone else ws around when Aaryn tells the story of when she found a dead body.  MC says it was an awesome story.  She was swimming and there was a body floating in a cave.

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