Saturday, September 14, 2013

Big Brother After Dark Summary / recap 9/13/13


GM asked Helen  how come her mom doesn`t speak english but her dad does. Helen explained the story to her, and she tells SPencer.  Spencer says he would help her if it was his wife.   GM also says she had to do Helens makeup a different way because she had Chinese eyes.

Spencer says Puerto Ricans are sexy.  Freddy is Peurto Rican and Italian.  Spencer says he was handsome in the pictures from GMs hoh.

GM is painting an empty soda bottle  Spencer says it is pretty, if MC was here he would tell her to sell it on ebay.  Andy says this show engulfs MCs life insanely.  He lays around playing a lot of video games.  Spencer warned him getting drunk and getting high if your not careful you will be alone with nothing to fall back on thats what happened to be.  MC says he is not responsible.

Spencer thinks Howard is the only person on the memory board that likes him.  He also thinks Candice is ok with Andy.   Spencer says MC was scared of David because he was a strong player.  GM talks about the boom squad alliance, with Jeremy her, Nick and David and Kaitlin and Aaryn.  GM says it was the worst alliance. Aaryn didn`t trust Nick and told GM not to go near him.  Andy was told by production that he couldn`t use the name goof troop for his alliance.  Jeremy wanted David out so he could control Aaryn.  Aaryn started fighting witih Kaitlin becasue she wanted more of Jeremys attention.

Specer says his goal with Howard was to get Andy to work with them instead of Amanda and MC. He hated that Howard acted weird and nobody trusted him.

Spencer  and GM says Nick had nice hair.  Spencer looks at the memory wall and says who else had nice hair including MC.

Andy sayd Entertainment Weekly is his favority magazine, he thinks it would be crazy to have his face in there.

Spencers strategy early on was to take naps with his sunglasses on and watch who was sneaking around together.  Andy asks who the number one target of the boom squad was.  Gm says they didn`t have one they just hung out, and they left her out of everything.

Andy says Judd was a hot head, he didn`t like Howard, and would call him by the wrong name.  Judd didn`t want to talk to anyone after the gamae.  They stary talking about who ws a sex fiend, and include Aaryn, Candice and Katlin.  Gm says she is not.

GM says Kaitlin didn`t know the game, she should have done her homework.  Gm says Judd tried to be an an alliance with everyone.  Andy says he just followed Amanda and MC like a little puppy.

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