Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Big Brother After Dark Summary /Recap 9/10/13


Andy and MC are painting ducks.  It sounds like the After Dark episode was recorded earlier, to hide the results of the eviction that will be shown Wed evening.  Andy suggests putting a fake body in one of the beds, and saying Elissa wake up, I cant believe you came back you must be so tired.

Spencer and Andy and Judd say what a crazy day.  It sounds like there were guests from various seasons of BB (if they are telling the truth).  Spencer says Ollie was booty dancing.

Andy asks why Spencer doeen`t like the ducks.  Spencer says due to childhood memories.  MC heard blue ducks are more aggressive.  Andy says it ws nice to see Julie in person in the house, she was taller than I thought.  (I doubt this happened). Spencer says GM and Julie Chen were in a fight.  Judd wonders if Julie said to Amanda what was it like being a total b*tch in the house. Spencer heard that Amanda is going to sue cbs for defamation of character.

They find new activities in the storage room, laynards and glitter, sand.  They have a small bottle with a funnel to enter the different color sand.  Gm is going to make a bracelet for everyone.   Spencer mentions a story that Elissa would poop in her pants, hide in the closet and eat it (Again, he is making things up).  

Andy asks if Judd uses makeup, the few first weeks Andy didn`t but he has been using it ever since.  Spencer says we are in hi def you need to use it or you look greasy.

Andy puts a pillow over his crotch, and Spencer asks him if he is trying to cover up a b*ner.  Andy lifts up the pillow and says no, theres a paint stain on his shorts.  

Andy says Jeremy had best intentions but would say things like for a gay dude you are really funny. Spencer says remember the time Jeremy build a house, or ate an apple in one bite.  GM says he saved 5 children from a burning building.  Andy says he picked up a deer from the window of his car and threw it before he hit it.  MC says he swerved to hit soe children in the road and hit another person
who was a murderer and got rewarded for it.

Gm says reemember how he made Helen cry.  Spencer says Jeremy was offered a chance to ride in an experimental spacecraft.  Andy says Helen would tell us every day how thick her hair was.  Spencer says Jeremy rode a tiger to school.  Jeremy had to train the olympic team on every sport and had to leave bb early.

MC says Jeremy invented Facebook and gave the idea away, so he could bang chicks, no cause he couldn`t bang chicks but he wanted it all.  Spencer says he wrote the code out in 30 minutes.

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