Thursday, September 5, 2013

Big Brother After dark summary/ recap 9/4/13


Spencer says GM is as strong as two guys to Judd and MC. They are playing with Playdoguh, and MC is making Julie Chen. judd tells Amanda she was a smart player, and she says not that smart cause Im leaving tomorrow or am I?

Judd asks Mccrazy what his nationalitiy is, he replies, German,, Sweedish, Polish.  French Canadian. MC wonders what you could get away with in the hose based on your religion.  Andy says Kaiser got a hooka.

GM and Amanda are aguing becuase GM said something about her bed, and Amanda smirked.  Amanda says she doesn`t want to fight, and she is fighting by herself.  GM says Amanda thinks she is funny, but is funny looking.  GM says I have hoh and you don`t, you jumped in the sack with the first hoh.  Do you want to make fun of me living with my parents? Amanda says GM is in love with someone she knows nothing about, and is portrayed as psycotic.  GM says Amanda told her she was with a million guys.  (theres alot of bleeping).  Amanda asks what are you worried about, you have no power anymore.  GM stands up and claps that Amanda has read the rule book.  GM says she has 5 personalities because she is on 5 different medications, and does coke.  She told the world she has a coke problem.  Amanda denies this.  Amanda says the physchiatrist had to be brought in 5 times for GM becuase they though you were crazy.  GM says she is not worried about anything, and is not on medication.  She doesn`t sleep with guys for money.  GM was engaged and had 4 boyfriends her whole life.  She feels bad that MC was used the whole game.  Amanda says you and Nick are going to get married.  GM says even if Jeremy was hoh you would have jumped in the sack with him the first night.  Your a mastermind of this whole game, let me pack my bags and write the check out to Amanda.  How`s your yeast infection doingAmanda   Hows your clit ring doing GM?  GM calls her a tramp and says she has no money to remove her tramp stamp.   Amanda says I`m sorry I don`t put on a full face of makeup everyday, and GM says there is a camera.  GM says she is trying to concentrate with her building blocks.  They stand up are in each others faces.  GM says she has less freckles than AManda and less celllulite.  Amanda says who are you?  The past two days you have been crazy, and you are the most immature 34 year old person.  Nick will be so proud of you when he sees you acting like this.  You are a disgusting human being, GM calm down.  GM says I bet your mother is proud, and AManda says she is probably embarassed.   (the boys say nothing and are looking very uncomfortable during this argument)  GM says drop it like you drop your pants, I apologize, it was nice of me to give you my room.  Amanda yells out to bb don`t you screen these people before you bring them into this house.  Amanda says Andy is encourageing her behavior because he starts to laugh.  GM says the acadamy award goes to Amanada.

Amanda tells MC that he watched GM take these digs at her and just sat there and did nothing and watched Andy and Judd laugh.  It hurts the most that he just sat that and didn`t stand up for her.  She needs a man and he is a little boy. Its disgusting that he loves her and he just sits there.  He says look at the position she is in.  He doesn`t know the meaning of love.

GM apolizes, but Amanda says it doesn`t sound meaningful.  GM says I understand tomorrow is a rough day for you.  Amanda says she ws only smiling from her diary room session, but GM says you are smirking like you ar eup to something.  Amand says you are making fun of the way I look and my personality, it is so low.  GM says I only repeated what you said already.

The boyzs say they are not going to break up a girl fight, its different if a guy is involved

Amanda  goes back to have not room with MC and says how disgusting GM is , she is crying and says she was  attacked for no reason.  MC says she did not need to be defended.  She participated, and it takes two to tanger.  He doesn`t get into fights because he knows better.  She asks is this how
you are in real life.  MC says this is not real life.

Spencer  says he didn`t know what to do to Judd and ANdy, it was MC`s job.  Spencer asks MC if Amanda is mad at him, and he says yeah. Spencer blames the stress on being in lockdown and not being able to go outside.

Elissa wakes up from her nap, and Amanda tells her about the fight with GM.  elissa says she never got into a fight with her husband.  Freddy never yells at GM`s mom.

MC says to  what was I  suppose to do knock her out?  Amanda says you should stand up for me.
elissa is dying GM`s hair.  Spencer is watching and picking his nose.

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