Friday, September 13, 2013

Big Brother AfternDark Summary/ recap 9/12/13


Final 3 Spencer, Gm and Andy talking about part one of the final hoh, which Gm won, there were roller skates and smoke involved.  GM says this season was hard mentally and physically

Spencer says MC was a slop and didnt cook one thing all summer, Amanda would cook for him.

GM doesn't like gimme bears, if she has them she chews them and spits them out, she can't swallow them.

Andy thinks MC thought he would make it to the final two.  He would have dominated this last comp.  Spencer says because of Amanda he didn't build the personal relationships

GM mentions how much MC puked after one of the comps.  MC played his best game week one according to Andy, even GM thought he was amazing that week.

GM would like to have bb winner receive less so that there is something for third place.  She is eating dinner with Spencer, and says how pretty Julie looked last night.  Spencer likes the BBQ sauce, he usually buys store brand.

Spencer tells Andy he blogged that his best game move was aligning with Andy.  Andy says he is playing for second because the jury will be vengeful. Spencer tells Andy he played an awesome game and deserves to win.  Andy says Its huge testament that Spencer was on the block so many times. Elissa had said when she was there she wasn't going to waste her hoh on Spencer.  Andy says endurance comps are not his thing.

If Andy didn't need the money so bad he wonders if he would be so cut throat. Andy asks spencer if he had a final two deal with Judd, and he replies no.

MC stole Andy's gummie bears before he left.

Spencer is in dr room, and Andy tells ago he need it would be one of them that won this last comp.judd would have been bad at this comp. GM said he did good on the bull.  Andy is not motivated to clean the house since they are only hear 5 more days.  Amanda had to tell MC to shower he was so dirty.  GM calls Amanda a whore, since she only knew MC a week.  Andy says she even had a boyfriend when she came into the house.

Spencer says they probably send a crew out to their families house to interview them, and they probably interviewed Nick about you.

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