Monday, September 9, 2013

Big Brother After Dark Summary /recap 9 /8/13


Spencer asks if a gay guy has ever made it to the fnal 3?  Judd says no.  Andy says Regan made it to top 5.

GM says she doesn`t feel good her hand is shaking from the tetnus shot, that she can`t even paint.  (shes painting a rubber duck)

Andy says Judd is more metally broken (he is out of cigarettes) and GM is more physically broken, which one do we keep around. Spencer says  Judd has pissy moods.  Andy says he acts like a baby when he loses.  MC says he feels that Judd gave up on the veto, and Spencer and Andy agree.

Andy says Elissa doesn`t deserve Americas player.  She wouldn`t even share a bed with anyone, not even me who is no threat to her.  Aaryn would have been more of a threat since she had made out with girls.  They talk about Aaryns game play, she pulled out all the stops when she was on the block.

Spencer says my sweet Marilyn.  Andy says you`ll see her soon.  GM and Judd are MIA.  MC says for personal non game reasons he wants GM gone.  Andy says Elissa had a great line as she was exiting saying whatever.  She was uncomfortable around men and is better off in the jury house.  MC says it pisse him off when she threatened to go home instead of the jury.  She did`t care about the game at all.  Andy didn`t hate Nick as a person just a game player.  Elissa was the only person he didn`t like as a person.  MC calls her a s*bag. Those are the people you want to puke on.

Spencer and Judd caution MC about moving to FL, and how hard it may be to find a job.  Try to get Amander to move to Minnesotta. MC doesn`t want to be in a co-dependent relationship. MC has an ex Jessica that thinks she will be pissed at him.  They broke up a while before, her ex boyfriend died. After high school she dated a guy, he cheated on her, and she saw MC, her ex moved to FL and died in a motorcycle accident.  She started to be distant.  She told him he would make it on the show.  He didn`t make time for her.  MC says there was no banging she was a good girl.  She flipped him off as he was driving away.  MC says he only makes $135 every two weeks from the pizza place plus tips.  Jess his ex girlfriend is going to be a nurse making bank and she deserves better than him.  Spencer says any girl would be lucky to have him, he is very personable.  Whoever loves him will want him to be happy, even if it is delivering pizzas.

Andy doen`t want MC he thinks he`ll hate Bocca. Judd thinks MC will get back with his ex.

Judd says he got the name Texas Tornado for Aaryn from a Tracy Lawrence song.

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