Sunday, July 28, 2013

Big Brother 15 After Dark 7/27/13 summary/ recap


Candice and Howard are talking, and Candice doesn't think many will vote against the house.  Howard hopes everyone will vote of their own merit.  Candice says they are stupaid if they keep Howard here.

Mc and Andy talking and mc thinks Andy will make it to jury 100 percent.  They were both surprised at the nominations of Howard and Spencer. They thout Elissa would have been nominated.  Spencer won the veto and Amanda is the third nominee.  Mc could tell she was pissed.  Andy lets everyone think he is their best friend Amanda says and she lets them know that they are going home.  Mc says he totally blindsided nick and that will be used against him later.

Helen and Elissa talk about keeping Amanda, but Helen is worried that Amanda is gunning for Elissa.  Helen thinks by keeping Howard, Candice would be loyal to them.  She's looking at all the options.  It is a gamble to keep Howard so she may be leaning towards evicting him now and Amanda next week. Elissa brings up that by voting Amanda out that Mc will be after them.  They are worried Amanda wants to keep Aaryn.  Helen says she told mc that Aaryn better not make it to jury.  Elissa says entertainment purposes she would rather have Amanda in jury.

Amanda says to mc, please keep me here so we can get married.

Jessie is telling Andy that Candice came at her so aggressive about how she will vote.  Jessie says she will vote with the house, and Candice says oh.  Candice has not been nice to her the last few days.

Candice is telling Spencer to talk to Helen as people are going to vote how Helen votes.  Candice thinks she might be going up in Spencer's place and than she won't be able to vote to keep Howie.  Spencer says to tell Aaryn that she will look like a big got if she puts her up.

Amanda is complaining that she needs hair dye for her grey hair.  Bb considers cooking spray a luxury item as well, however they have been using olive oil which is more expensive.  eliyssa says her friends call her Liss, and points out that you can call me Liss and you can't , the cameras don't show who she is pointing to, but she is kidding.

Mc tells Amanda that Candice will probably go up, and Amanda says that is the best bet.  Amanda says she hates losing and never wins anything. She is practicing her speech. She says she loves and misses her family, and is glad she had this opportunity, but wants to stay so she can marry Mc.  Mc says she is a strong competitor, but it's good that nobody else things so.  She almost had the puzzle pieces figured on on the veto comp. it seemed liked everyone sucked at that one.

Helen and Andy were dancing this morning to the wake up call music.  Helen says she enjoyed dancing with him.

Amanda tells Howard if she campaigns its because she wants to stay in the game and nothing against him, he understands and respects the game, and they hug.

Aaryn talks about songafy and she wants to get the app and put together a bb song.

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