Sunday, July 21, 2013

Big Brother After Dark 7/20 summary/ recap


In hoh room hanging out are Andy, Spencer, Candice,  amanda and Elissa eating papayas.  Andy hosted the veto come and spencer tells him he did a good job, especially when he said Judd's in the mud, and Kaitlin's getting dirty.  Spencer wants to put Saran Wrap in his legs to make it thermal.

Gm saying she will be getting her period and will be very emotional. ( how much more emotional can she be).  She says there is a weird noise coming from Judd's room.  The alarm is going off.  Judd is sleeping right though it.

Andy says he never knew what the center of a mango looked like. Andy loves granola, and Amanda says only skinny people like granola.

Spencer is talking to Aaron about the MVP and thinks it is the same person always has been, and there is bulls..t going on. There is nobody he can trust. Money he goes into a room people leave or become quiet.  He tells her the house wants her gone, and there is no reason given. He tells her to hold her head p, there could be a potential to make deals, and the target can change.  He promises that he and Howard are not working to get her out.

Elissa feels bad for Judd (I'm guessing the alarm has something to do with the recent comp, and a punishment he took).

Amanda says to Andy that Candace is so annoying, asking if she is going home, and asking why they are telling Aaryn that she is safe.

Andy tells Amanda that Helen says to be careful about Amanda and mc

Amanda is getting accused by Candice of something she didn't say.  Aaryn says her words are getting twisted too, and Kaitlin is the only one she is talking to.

Howard tells Candice, he plays a strong social game and people don't know where he stands,  and Candice needs to keep her mouth closed about things she doesn't like.

Elissa says this was her favorite competition so far.

Amanda is in the bathtub talking to Aaryn about Candice.  She doesn't want to loose her show and and will do what ever it takes to save Howard.  Aaryn believes they are scared, and Howard called her a racist. Aaryn tells her the house believes she is controlling mc, but Amanda says it is the other way around.   Aaryn says everyone has a reason to be a target. Amanda is strong, Spencer lied, Jess is a floater, Gm crazy, Helen is blabber mouth, mc won two things, Kaitlin is loose cannon and strong.
Mc enters and feels crappy.

Elissa telling spencer when she got to this game everyone was against her from the first night.  He didnt want to talk to her because he didnt want a target on his back but he didn't vote against her.  It wouldn't have been hard if it was an enjoyable experience, but last week was enjoyable and people are talking to her.  She has been on the block every week.  Spencer says he's not a butt kisser but he would like to get to know her better.  He wants to be friends but not because of MVP.  He believes her that she is not MVP this week.

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