Thursday, July 18, 2013

Big Brother 15 After Dark summary 7/17/13


Gm and Aaryn talking about if Aaryn should try again to work things out with Eliss?  Gm doesn't know why she would say sorry to Jeremy and not Aaryn, maybe she is having a down day.  Maybe Gm can talk to her and try to make sense.  Aaryn says she won't try again its been 5 times she tried to talk to her, and said you'll see in time when I'm in power I'm not going after you. Aaryn says she has no one else to talk to.

Andy and howard our fighting over granola as nobody ate it all week and now that Andy wants it Howard wants it.

Hgs are preparing for a talk show.  The show is called toe roscoe report.

According to Jessie, jeremy is going around trying to get everyone to switch their vote. It's ridiculous to talk game because we all know Jeremy is leaving. Mc asks jessie why is Spencer all over you lately?   Amanda says maybe he has a crush on you.

Jeremy gets called to the diary room but Helen says that's okay your segment is at the end. Helen does the introduction. Helen thanks sponsors as she holds up a bucket of slop.  She also says that she is Julie Chen's sister and she has two boys at home, and her favorite TV show is big brother.  Candace introduces herself and says she is single, has a dog, Ruby and her show is called keeping it real.  Elyssa is a mother a wife and a fitness nutritionist, and yoga instructor, and  will Bring exercise and eating right by Elissa.  Jessie Graduated from the university of Texas and has a little chiweenie dog married aire and so will bring investigative reporting, and talking about the moving company alliance.  Gm says she is from Stanton island, and does a fist pumping. She is doing a sports segment with Howard her last name is Zimmerman,  but she is not Jewish and will bring the mazel of the week. Aaron will be leaving our fashion segment and Howard sports segments Last but not least we have Andy who is the weatherman, and report on the current have-nots.  Current hot topics Kaitlyn wins the veto.  Helen says everyone's portraits were great.  It was a tough competition. There was a nail party in the house Aaryn says it was awesome with lots of cheese. GM talks about three things to be a Guidette number one is a spray tan second is extensions and three eyelashes. Aaryn says she forgot about the sock bun or snookie bun,  Andy gives the weather report answers tonight it was colder than it was during the day.  Aaron brings out various articles of clothing for everyone to guess who it belongs to.  The first article is a red dress which belongs to Jessie.  Next is a pink dress and Andy yells  out it belongs to Spencer.  It was Elissa's, and she says it looks cuter on.  Next is an article of yellow capris, which belong to Gm. Next is a blue dress and Candace says it's a -0 and it belonged to Helen. Next is a gray T-shirt belonging to Spencer.

Howard interviewing Judd telling him he is the bandanna ball champion how does it feel. His secret is greatness. He demonstrates his technique for throwing the bandanna ball.  Elissa asks Judd if he will go to the Olympics and Jesse asks if he is single.  GM heard that there is an upcoming volleyball tournament that is the new craze in the BB house. Howard thanks it's better to play at night because there is no wind gust.  Howard says  there are more bruises in volleyball than in the competitions.

Andy says Judd this is your second week as a have not is it harder than the first week Judd says being a have not blows, but it was easy this week, because he had guacomole. Andy asks mc if he wanted to be a have not for the experience.  He regretted it in the beginning and hated everyone in the house.  Midweek he felt better and doesn't mind it, it is part of the experience. Asks Jessie if she had a mid week slop freak out, and she did and other hg came to her aid,  spence came to her aid when she burned herself on the pan.

Amanda says being the Jew the house she came up with something called a slopes, combination of slop and salsa.   Elissa pulls out slop and when protein, and chips and asks which is the most nutritious.  The slop has vitamins and minerals, and low sugar, it is good for you. She feels the vitamins are critical to your diet.  Spinal twists are important to do.

Candice says the s..t that no one else wants to, her first guests are Amanda and mc, she asks if it was love at first sight.  Amanda says yes. She heard MC makes $136 per week how does he plan on taking care of Mamacita

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