Sunday, July 14, 2013

Big Brother 15 After Dark Summary 7/13/13


Andy tells MC and Amanda that he has their back.  Amanda tells MC to go get her some pickles.  Amanda takes stuff from the fridge and hides it in the storage room and tells MC to do the same.  He is upset that he does not get the chocolate mile and the other hgs are drinking it all.

Jeremy saying to Kaitlin maybe he will parachute over and drop in after he is evicted.  (He was told he is being back-doored earlier) Jeremy seems happy and tells Kaitlin he has a cute plan.  He does not elaborate any further on this.

Aaryn says she is not good at strategy. 

GM is still looking sad, lying in bed in the same room as Kaitlin and Jeremy.   Jeremy will say at his speech to go with the house.  Kaitlin will not vote for him to be evicted, but Jeremy tells her to go with the house.  If he tells her to do something she should do it damm it he says. 

Helen asks Andy who would he put up, and he says he is in good standing with every person in the house, but it would be GM and Howard & Spencer.  He feels that Candice is see thru and it is obvious what she is thinking.  Judd walks in, and they tell him the plan has not changed, and Jeremy and Kaitlin already know that Heremy is getting evicted.  Kaitlin feels back because she knows when she takes herself off the block Jeremy will go up.  Helen feels bad for her, and they should give her a break and not put her up next week.  She also feels Aaryn is going to pawn her way thru the game.  They talk about who to get our before jury, which is 5 players.  They feel that they own Candice, and Kaitlin will get 4 weeks.  Kaitlin wasn't sure if she was going to use the veto and was told if she doesnt use it she is gone, and since she is doing something for the house they will not nominate her.  Andy doesn't feel GM is a big game player and doesn't below here, but likes her and wants to keep her around as long as possible.   They feel Howard is working Elyssa.  Helen thinks next hoh may be a double eviction, but Andy disagrees and thinks it is to soon, and they disagree as to if it happens once or twice per season.  He doens't think it has ever happened before jury. Judd mentions that Spencer is not good at challenges and he has no where else to go, so he will be with them, vs Kaitlin is good at challenges.  Helen was partnered with Spencer at the bbq challenge and he was going so slow she thinks he thru the comp.  Andy says that Jeremy tells him that he has ears all over the house.

Amanada tells Jeremy that there are bigger threats in the house that she would rather see go.  Jeremy says he is not going to lay down and die. 

GM tells Aaryn she can't wait to hear that MVP is suspended so that only two nominees are going up

Andy, Judd, Howard, Candice, talking about how bad the have not food is.  Judd doesn't know what Ikea is and Candice and Andy expains it to him.  Candice says she has a lot of it but it always breaks.

Jessie talking about Candice taking clothes from others that she wants like Amanda's black booty shorts, Jessie says she is inconsiderate.  At night Candice will slam the door and fumble loudly through the drawers.  MC agrees that she slams every door and it is very annoying.  Jessie doesn't understand why she does that because it seems like she has manners.  Amanda says she just helps herself to others clothes without asking, and even took one of MC's shirts.   

Helen, Andy and Spencer talking about the costumes from the comps that they want to keep after the show.  Andy says it is wierd that Nick was a professtional roller blader, and Nick went to Yale, but he did not graduate.  Helen feels that he was such a mystey.  He said he was engaged three times to Candice, but he did not like to talk about girls.  Andy is curious to see Nick's dr session, and he got called to DR room 5 times more, and it didn't make sense.  He said he had 1 room mate once and another time said he had two room mates.  Helen felt bad for him, but he played it wrong.  Andy didn't feel bad for him.  He felt every conversation Nick was saying the right thing but wasn't talking to him as a person.  Howard wants to watch a movie, even the Smurfs.  Candice says she was conceived at a Prince concert.  Andy asks Spencer if  the moving company only met altogether one time, and how did they plan?  Spencer says Nick would have whisper sessions, and Andy remembers walking in on Spencer and Nick and they were acting strange. They met in the storage room a few times a week, and said all is good.  Howard said he and Nick never taked. Judd said he hated Nick the first week he was here. Spencer said he talked to David more in the short time he was here than he did Nick.

Andy say that Nick never touched GM, and they slept with pillows between them.  It is not BB's job to find a husband for a 31 year old women.  Candice says Nick showed no interest during GM's strip tease.  Helen thins he liked her but it was just game play to show he didn't like her.  Judd disagrees and says there was no romantic connection on Nick's part. GM earlier called other hg's cockaroaches for voting Nick out. 

Helen says she likes the name the Moving Company, and states that Kaitlin admited to her that her bad behavior was due to her association with Aaryn.  Helen was shocked that Nick was honest with Elyssa that he wouldn't vote to keep her in the game, and threatened to put him on the block if he didn't, and he still wouldn't change his vote. At some point in BB you need to make deals to save yourelf, and Elissa is not a push over. 

Candice tells Elissa that she doesn't talk much game to Howard and they are just friends and enjoy each others company.  Elissa asks if he tried to put the moves on her, and Candice says no, and she wouldn't want to put that on tv anyway.  He told her his mom and church group will probably have a panic attack just the fact that they are sleeping in the same bed.  She thinks Howard is a good guy and Spencer is a shyster, and that may be rubbing off on Howard.  Spencer is shady, and used her. 

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