Saturday, July 27, 2013

Big Brother After Dark 7/26/13 Summary / Recap


Jessie and Aaryn talking about the comps.  She says it was obvious Howard was throwing the BBQ comp and he was her partner.  Aaryn says she will win something, and she is not in jeopardy.  Aaryn thinks  Judd Andy and Helen will be a team.  Jessie feels like she needs to win hoh next meek and feels that Elissa will put her up.  Elissa came up earlier and hugged her and thanked her for not putting her up.  Aaryn put up Spencer and Howard.  Jessie says Howard cried after being nominated.  He almost got her evicted and tried to throw Aaryn under the bus so she doesn't feel sorry for him.  Jessie says she loves the girl talk and it is so nice to be up in the hoh room.  Aaryn is so glad Jessie is not a have not, because it would be hard to look at all the food on hoh.  Aaryn is wearing Judd's bear shirt.

Candice and Howard are snuggling.  Howard wants to go outside, and Candice asks for 5 more minutes, and tells him he might be fine next week like Gm. Candice's says she can still be back doored.

Aaryns favorite comp was the ice cream.  Helen likes the memorization, like the one she one, and also the BBQ, but not the Popsicle.

Amanda and mc in the hammock.  Mc talking about all the possible punishments in the next comp, such as a chum bath.  Amanda says she wants to have sex.

Howard and Gm playing pool.  Howard says he has never played so much pool in his life.

Candice , spencer and Andy talking about food, and how it's easy to gain weight on the house.  They like the Raman noodles, and are adding the calories.   Candice hopes a big target gets put up by MVP.  She compares this season to the previous couples seasons on bb, it annoyed her because same people were always in power, Dom and Cassie were strong.  It was a boring season and people stopped watching it.

Andy says his targets never go home.  Last week it was Gm and he didnt even vote for her,  Andy jokes and says he is MVP and Candice you're out.

Amanda is trying to make a jam out of the raisins.

They were talking about sex in the city last night and Helen couldn't believe Gm has never seen it.

Andy says Elissa thinks he is MVP because he was in diary room so long.  She gives him a hug and says he is so cute.  He's going to play it up that he feels so safe tonight. Andy says it doesn't matter who goes up, as they are not going home.  Judd says he has been a had not except for 2 weeks.  Aaryn says Judd's mom will ship her two dozen cookies for all the nice things she has done for him, or a red lobster gift certificate.  Her family will cuss him for saying Texas Tornado.

Kaitlin is painting her nails  says pepto bismal and asks Andy and Judd what they think.
Aaryn received a clown doll in her hoh basket and Andy is playing with it.

Gm is buzzed  on coffee and hasn't had any in 2 weeks.  She is making fun of Candice in her high pitched voice. She has head about the cockroach dance that Candice does, but she won't do it in front of her. Gm says it is medical phorrical, and Amanda corrects her as metaphorical, Gm says she must appear dumb.

Gm telling Andy that not everyone in the house is special or has star qualities Andy has it but, Candice does not.

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