Sunday, July 7, 2013

big Brother 15 July 4 After dark summary

July 4 2013

Mc has painted his face red whit and blue with Stars and Stripes.

Elyssa apologizing to Kaitlin about the prior whorehouse comment.  Kaitlin says she would never do anything gross on national television and her parents are watching.  She only has sex with her boyfriends.

Amanda tells Kaitlin it doesn't take a rocket scientist to tell that her and mc are together.  Amanda is crying, and says she is not with Elyssa, but is trying to be her friend. Elyssa is trying to get closer to mc, and says she wants to get closer to her and mc. Amanda says  she was like the loser girl in high school, she's overstepping her boundaries.  Amanda  says Jessie is playing both sides.  Aaryn says they need to get the freaks and wildcards out. She doesn't tell Jessie anything anymore.  The deal asryn made is to decide the hoh nominees together with Jeremy.  She believes Jeremy will get hoh soon.   Aaryn thinks bb may be portraying her a a bitch but will be partying Elyssa as one too.  Elyissa said the only reason Aaryn won hoh comp was because she was on Adarol.  She heard that
Now talking about Nick and the various deals he is making.

Kaitlin is crying while speaking with Judd.  Judd says when people get too cocky that's when they go home.  He doesn't think she'll get put up. Kaitlin say  Elyssa is very manipulative.

Jeremy misses his mom so bad.  Aaron says Amanda says Jess being portrayed as a slut, and Aaryn as a bitch.

Andy has on his 4th of july outfit consisting of red shorts blue shirt and white bow tie.

Jeremy says what a weird double Amanda and mc are.  Kaitlin thinks she really likes him. They are speculating who Elyssa will put up if she is MVP. Aaryn asks what 9x 3 is and jeremy says seriously, you don't know that's 27.  Aaryn says that's 27 different scenarios.  G enters the room.

Hgs out in backyard, asking for alcohol, and hanging out in the jacuzzi.  Helen told her husband she wouldn't smoke on the show. Candace talking about benwa balls and that she has used them.

Helen says to Candace, people with anger and revenge lose this game.  Be thoughtful to make it through to the end.   Candace says no boys are fighting, only girls, and why don't the girls see this.  Helen saysnshowmance changes the game.  Candace says Jeremy doesn't  even care about Kaitlin and they will go their separate ways after the game.

Nick and Howard are playing pool.

Andy and Kaitlin in hammock with Candace, he says his number one enemy is Amanda and Mc. Andy says Jessie's bathing suit is see thru and she craves attention. Candace asks Kaitlin if she would like to lose all her hair or only have $10 in her checking acct for the rest of her life.  Andy is worried he will be in a comp where he needs to shave his head.  Kaitlin says she would shave her head.  Andy says would you rather say you are addicted to Internet porn for nomination speech or have her pants fall down.

Gm tells Kaitlin she wants to keep strong people and get rid of weak people, as she wants to compete with the best.

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