Monday, July 22, 2013

Big Brother After Dark 7/21/13


Elissa and mc talking about planning the bb wedding for mc and Amanda, Elissa will be the planner, and Howard the minister.

Gm says to Judd she will be stuck in traffic for the wedding.

Candice gives Helen hourly reports on what is going on ( she has to be in bed by 8 for punishment from the comp)

Amanda shows the ring, Aaron says it is cute, he used twisted ties, and something that Elissa gave him and it look like a real engagement ring.  Amanda says its perfect and Mc did great.

Judd and Mc talking about the veto competition and Mc took $5000 prize and is worried it would put a target on him.

Andy asks if Judd heard anything when he was locked in his room.  He heard that 2 of the girls want Kaitlin gone.  Andy tells them that Spencer formed another 4 man alliance with him and Judd tonight.

Judd thought  he was tight with Elissa and now he doesn't know.  Mc doesn't trust Aaryn, but Amanda does.

Andy thinks  it's funny how Gm is jealous of Mc and Amanda wedding.  Andy says he would have taken the 5 grand in a second and mc shouldn't feel bad.  Andy says Spencer is good at lying, and had him fooled the first week.

Howard says to Candice that Kaitlin goes back and tells Amanda  about all of their conversations. Candice says her side is no longer protecting her because of Howard except Elissa. Howard says all the people on that side are going home.  Candice tells him he should tell her every or she will be pissed at him.

Spencer is talking to Jessie in the hammock and  is worried about the veto tomorrow and thinks there may be  fireworks.  Gm is now in the hammock with Spencer, and says Elissa is spreading rumor that Howard is a professional football play.  She wants to make it look like he put her up as MVP.  He says its summertime and pro football players would be practicing, and he's not going to lose money, and there is no way he is a pro football player.  Gm asks if Amanda goes up do they have enough votes to get her out, and they start counting 4 or 5.

Andy and Howard talking about how often they poop.

Spencer, Gm and Amanda talking about how bad the comp was, with the gross food.  Amanda had Aderol and caffeine which are appetite suppressants, which did not help her in the comp.  They laugh at the sunglasses at nit Candice is wearing.  Amanda says the pairs call their significant other their person, and it irks her.  Aaryn says because they are not necessarily a boyfriend.  They also laugh at gms comment about hiding in their rooms like cockroaches.   Gm referring to muffets Amanda corrects her you mean muppets.  Mc talking about laundry didnt know he had to separate whites from colors, and Amanda says that's why she has been doing his laundry the last 3 weeks and she can see where this marriage is going.

Elissa tells Andy she doesn't miss Jeremy at all as she is showing him how to cook have not frosting.  Andy  likes the smaller feel of the house.

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